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Deer Hunting / Re: Big buck chrono
« Last post by Timberstalker on Today at 02:18:54 PM »
Super cool. Thanks for sharing.
Advocacy, Agencies, Access / Re: Its the Dem's people wake up!
« Last post by ghosthunter on Today at 02:02:20 PM »
Oh they know they are the problem, they just continue to ignore results of their voting habits, they smirk at posts like these.  The dems are just pure evil!

The Dems I talk to or hear talking in my travels, just don’t get it. They don’t care what costs ,they are willing to pay whatever. Their big issue is Abortion Rights. And allowing every kind of behavior there is. Watching deportation of know illegal criminals and their comment is Poor People. It’s just nuts to me.
The lines are so solid that I doubt they will ever change. Look how many years California has put up with it.

For me my tipping point is 1504. If that goes through ,I will be going to jail if that’s what they want. I will not comply.
Advocacy, Agencies, Access / Re: Its the Dem's people wake up!
« Last post by jstone on Today at 01:55:38 PM »
This state is retarded.!!
I grew up with guns when I was a kid. It’s mental illness and drugs. Tired of being nice.!! Wake the Blank up people.
Muzzleloader Hunting / Re: Knight Muzzleloaders price increase
« Last post by MR5x5 on Today at 01:54:43 PM »
Crazy I went on the web site and it says discontinued

Just ordered one per the info in Lazydrifter's message.  The "straight" stock is in stock.  The "thumb hole" stock is not available.  The 20% coupon worked is well.

That's fantastic that coupon worked.  Free shipping too.  I think they limit you to one use of it.  The code changes every month to the new month.  Just curious what was the price before tax?

Out Of State Hunting / Re: Idaho Non-Res Tag Advisory Group
« Last post by BULLBLASTER on Today at 01:33:03 PM »
Live in Idaho and work in Wa????
What will that cost you in taxes?
Taxes would be the least of my worries. A mortgage at 7% instead if my current 2.5% paired with the cost of homes makes it a nonstarter.
FAQ: Using H-W Forum / Re: Changing username?
« Last post by boneaddict on Today at 01:02:01 PM »
We typically don't change user names unless there are special circumstances.   
Deer Hunting / Re: Washington Governor Tag
« Last post by hughjorgan on Today at 12:52:15 PM »
All you guys that are opposed to the auction tags, are you equally opposed to the raffle tags? The average Joe can buy 1000 tickets and stack the odds in his favor for an OIL hunt at a fraction of the price that one guy is spending on an auction tag.

Interesting take on "Average Joe", my guess is the AJ is not going to gamble on a hunt for $6000-17K ........The AJ is trying to figure out how to pay their rent/mort and still afford eggs for the kiddos.

The average Joe that likes to hunt is spending thousands every year going out of state and hunting multiple states. There not rich, they work in the trades, etc. It’s not hard to believe some guys drop thousands on raffle tickets. I know of at least one guy that’s done it and he is just a middle class guy that likes to hunt.
Advocacy, Agencies, Access / Re: Its the Dem's people wake up!
« Last post by trophyhunt on Today at 12:48:58 PM »
Oh they know they are the problem, they just continue to ignore results of their voting habits, they smirk at posts like these.  The dems are just pure evil!
Deer Hunting / Re: Big buck chrono
« Last post by NKAS on Today at 12:46:59 PM »
That's awesome! Thanks for posting Bone. You can tell he's regressing in his antlers and tines but those bases haven't changed by the looks of it!
Deer Hunting / Re: Big buck chrono
« Last post by emac on Today at 12:11:02 PM »
That is awesome.  He is definitely on a fown hill slide.  But impressive that he has eluded hunters for this long.  Thanks for sharing.

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