Community > Youth Board
Guidance on good youth hunts
This will be my son's second year hunting, last year we were unable to put in for draws as his Hunter's ed was after the deadline. We tried otc general rifle for BT and both struck out.
This year I would like to put him in for some of the youth draws (deer and elk) in hopes of getting better hunt opportunities for him with less general hunter pressure. He is 14 so we do not have many years to get him a youth hunt left.
He will be hunting with rifle season.
I am not asking for secret spots or anything, but I could use some guidance on hunts to put him in for. Looking for hunts that will offer good chance of a shot for him and for us to be out there enjoying the hunt,seeing wildlife without physically blowing up in steep terrain. I want it to be enjoyable experience, not a tough mudder one, I save that for my archery elk hunts.
West side for both would be best as we are in Pierce Cty, but willing to consider east side if there are better opportunities just over the border into eastern. Deer we could of course do some east and some west..
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
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Enter the SCI contest. Great youth opportunity
--- Quote from: Widgeondeke on April 29, 2017, 02:42:45 PM ---Enter the SCI contest. Great youth opportunity
--- End quote ---
My son got the opportunity last year. All the kids that SCI took out to Colville connected. It was a great day for his first deer. Used his great grandpas -06 and had his grandpa sitting at his side. That unit is loaded with whitetail so if you go general season you'll have a good shot yourself and you can make a long weekend of it.
Do y’all know if they do this every year? What a great experience.
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