Free: Contests & Raffles.
Lots of reasons for folks to buy or not buy the MS permits. Between work and family and kids extra curricular activities that I will be as present as possible at, the MS permits give me a few extra weekends where I can hunt. At the price of literally $10-15 a day, it’s ridiculously cheap entertainment. That’s my justification. We all have different reasons. I spent $100 yesterday on a family dinner out. We all know where that ends up 24 hours later.
Sure then this is the only option. I have purchased the deer tag in the deer,elk,bear,cougar combo but I never declared my weapon choice.
That’s what I’m thinking but I have been through every page I can’t find and don’t see where I purchase the multi season tag. Do I have to select a deer weapon choice, then trade it for the multi season tag or something? Someone has to have done this recently.