That’s because it was sent to the people they planned on it going to. How else are you going to control the results. Our commission has the whole WDFW so screwed with our hands tied behind their back I wouldn’t even waste my time taking a survey. Until we fix that commission our voices are not going to be heard at all. Boat Insley and all Democrats out. Otherwise you are just as big of a cause of lost opportunity as the game commission themselves
11% of survey respondents were hunters and 36% fished in the last 2 years If anything I would say we got a better shake than our demographics indicate, not sure about fishing.
The survey percentage that the anti-hunting birds and butterfly type crowd (both inside and outside of WDFW) desperately cling to is the Wildlife Viewing component.
They want to use that singular data point to paint the picture that a massive portion of the populace actively and intentionally participates in wildlife viewing activity, in much the same way that we hunters actively and deliberately go hunting.
Clearly, this is absurd at best, and/or intentionally fraud at worst.
No rational person would consider people that enjoy seeing a hummingbird flit by their kitchen window, or see a mother deer and her fawn in a meadow by happenstance as they speed by in their cars as dedicated and/or devoted "Wildlife Viewers".
But, the anti's use this [flawed/inflated/skewed] data point to claim that these so-called wildlife viewers are incredibly important stakeholders whose majority numbers make hunting and fishing stakeholders a small and inconsequential minority in comparison...and are therefore deserving of the majority of the seats at the WDFW citizen input table and the Commission.
This is EXACTLY the approach that Koontz/Smith/Rowland/Baker/Ragen types (and their cohorts inside WDFW!) are pushing, and we should absolutely be pushing back hard against this type of gerrymandered nonsense.