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Offline Night goat

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10 gauge shotguns
« on: April 14, 2024, 07:48:09 PM »
I have been curious about 10 gauge for a while now, and want to buy one for goose hunting.

It all started one stormy dark grey afternoon out on the mouth of the skagit river, about 15 minutes before hunting hours closed one November, the winds were howling and the birds were flying high, but out of the corner of my eye I saw a man stand up from behind a stump in the marsh, just far enough away to only be a faint silhouette, he pointed this unbelievably long, strikingly large shotgun up at the sky towards a solo goose that must have been 75-100 yards high, and pull the trigger. This massive fire all erupted from the muzzle, followed by a BOOOM I felt in my chest, and a bird spiraling down from an unbelievable altitude, as he took off in a sprint across the marsh to catch his bird... it was one of the coolest things I've seen waterfowl it and surmised that it only could have been a 10 gauge

I've recently found a Remington SP10- although for 1500$ which seems steep but am considering it

The one I really really want is the marlin super goose bolt action 10 gauge with that mondo length barrel, just the idea of wing shooting with a bolt action seems like a hoot let alone a beast like a 10 gauge

Being realistic for budget, I'm most likely to go for the H&R 176 single shot

But who is shooting the 10 these days? I'd love to hear experiences, ultimately I want to get my hands on one, I've been looking for a while but they are so far and few between. I know my local gun shop (skagit arms) always has shells in stock during duck/goose season, so that doesn't worry me, but yeah these shotguns sure seem hard to find...

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2024, 08:04:23 PM »
I have two 10 gauges.  I don't really shoot them much as my 12 gauges 3-1/2" gun does most of what I need.  Your not going to get extra range out of the 10 gauges.  The shells are actually a bit slower than the 12 gauge, so you will have to figure out your lead.  I feel the 10 puts more pellets on target at once vs. stringing them out.  I typically only shoot it for large geese anymore.  It thumps them big honkers pretty good.
The SP-10 is about a 10lb gun, so packing it around is a bit more of a workout.  Going to also swing a bit slower, so you have to accomodate slower swing with slower shells.  Might take you a bit longer to find the lead.  Some of the dike shooters that are running 10 gauges do do some hot hand loads of various shot.  It's a fine line between the skybusting / pass shooting they do.  Most of the time it's flock shooting and crossing your finger as I have watched them work for the past 18 years.
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Offline Night goat

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2024, 08:15:53 PM »
I have two 10 gauges.  I don't really shoot them much as my 12 gauges 3-1/2" gun does most of what I need.  Your not going to get extra range out of the 10 gauges.  The shells are actually a bit slower than the 12 gauge, so you will have to figure out your lead.  I feel the 10 puts more pellets on target at once vs. stringing them out.  I typically only shoot it for large geese anymore.  It thumps them big honkers pretty good.
The SP-10 is about a 10lb gun, so packing it around is a bit more of a workout.  Going to also swing a bit slower, so you have to accomodate slower swing with slower shells.  Might take you a bit longer to find the lead.  Some of the dike shooters that are running 10 gauges do do some hot hand loads of various shot.  It's a fine line between the skybusting / pass shooting they do.  Most of the time it's flock shooting and crossing your finger as I have watched them work for the past 18 years.

Well if my 20 gauge had taught me anything about shot string, I know I like shooting my 12 better, so the 10 has to be an impovement over the 12, and yeah that's the vibe I got that it's a fine niche between sky busting and pass shooting, and honestly the whole hand loading thing also has me curious... some days all I can seem to manage is a few hours of *attempted* pass shooting, but I like niche things, I feel exploring all angles of it adds to the sporting nature

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2024, 08:43:41 PM »
I got a browning bps with a 30” tube. Got it for goose hunting but decided to try and take it turkey hunting. Way to heavy to haul if the birds are on the move and not very responsive to calling. I use my pack frame to haul it now when I do take it.
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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2024, 09:01:32 PM »
l have two, SP10 30" & a SXS 32" both are 3 1/2. I load #4 steel or #2 bismuth for the SP. l made a die to make 2 7/8" shells for the SXS, I load #5 bismuth for that one. The SXS has fixed chokes F&F.
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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2024, 09:29:41 PM »
I love my SP 10 for Geese and Turkeys. Its a bit of a misnomer to think you can shoot farther but with that said I have killed lots of geese and turkeys for the decades that I have been using my SP 10. I bought it before the long 12s were readily available.


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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2024, 09:41:15 PM »
I've had the SP10, the Browning pump, and finally the browning gold and for shooting at 10 I really love my Browning gold. They make them in both composite and wood and I've had both and there's nothing wrong with either one but I kept the wood one which is one of the earlier guns to come out. I hand loaded steel for both 12 gauge and 10 gauge and I can guarantee you that my 10 gauge loads come out as fast or faster than any 3 1/2 inch 12 gauge with the same amount of steel running through them. I have killed many tundra Swans and a couple of sandhill cranes and lots of ducks and geese with the 10 gauge. Yes it is heavy and I do have a sling on it if I have to carry it very far.

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2024, 09:46:54 PM »
One thing to remember is that the old bolt guns and single shots were made for lead only so where you would either have to shoot bismuth or another soft non-toxic load through them.

Offline Night goat

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2024, 09:55:48 PM »
One thing to remember is that the old bolt guns and single shots were made for lead only so where you would either have to shoot bismuth or another soft non-toxic load through them.

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2024, 10:19:15 PM »
I have an Ithaca 10. It has a 32” barrel as well as an 26” and is semi automatic. It is a fun gun to shoot and I have pass shot geese at 40-50 yards with it. As stated above. 10 gauge loads are definitely slower. When you shoot the goose behind the one you were aiming at more than once it reminds you of this. It has been in my safe for the last 15 seasons. I find that finishing birds is a lot more enjoyable than pass shooting birds. Don’t get me wrong, on a slow day I’m not going to hold back on pass shooting snows at 40-50 yards. But honestly thinking by purchasing a 10 will extend your distance is probably a stretch. My opinion is spend the money on decoys, calls and concealment. You ultimately will get more satisfaction out of fooling them than pass shooting them. Good luck on your search.

Offline Night goat

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2024, 10:33:06 PM »
Don’t get me wrong, on a slow day I’m not going to hold back on pass shooting snows at 40-50 yards. But honestly thinking by purchasing a 10 will extend your distance is probably a stretch. My opinion is spend the money on decoys...etc"

I ain't gonna lie or try to fool myself that it's gonna shoot like a rifle, but physics says there more shot in a good pattern down range wins. All I know is I've been out on for fir island and there's a nice stiff breeze when I'm setting up decoys at 430am and before I finish my thermos of coffee there's hardly enough of a breeze to move the decoys and while there are birds they are up high and are skittish cuz they've been shot at a few times... I'll take any edge I can get. On the contrary I zapped a snowgoose with a compound bow back around 2009-2010 mid air, so I totally understand that a bigger gun isn't going to necessarily make birds fall from the sky, but there is a tool made for every job

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2024, 05:49:18 AM »
I have a browning bps 10 I have shot for almost 20 years. It’s a goose killing machine but I do not shoot it much anymore. With the 12 ga 3.5” loads being faster than the 10 ga with the same weight shot there is really no need for the 10. I shoot a pattern master code black goose choke tube with 3.5” heavy metal bb shot and your not going to get anymore range and pellets on target than that combo out of a 10 gauge. Just my two cents

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2024, 06:36:18 AM »
I shot a BPS 10ga for a lot of years when I was younger. It was very effective. I will say I had a few less cripples, birds folded up very nicely. Shot pretty much exclusively steel #BB loads. I'm sure there were 2s and #BBB in the mix. Though we are not getting the numbers of years past, in my latest resurgence in the waterfowl world, I've been shooting 2 3/4 & 3" 12ga for waterfowl and been doing just fine. If a guy is really wanting the best waterfowl gun money can buy, and had the shoulder to use it, the 10ga is the true king of waterfowl using steel shot offerings. A 12ga with bismuth may just be better, but I'll never know due to the cost of bismuth ammo.
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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2024, 07:36:56 AM »
I'm not sure where you're getting your information that a three and a half 12 gauge is faster than a three and a half 10 gauge 1600 feet per second is 1600 feet per second. And that's what I shoot out of my 10 gauge and unless you're loading your 3 1/2 inch 12 gauge by hand I don't believe they make them that go that fast. And actually a 3 1/2 inch 12 gauge has more recoil to it because it has more constriction coming out the end of the barrel then a 3 1/2 inch 10 gauge with the same amount of shot. So my vote would still be for the 10 gauge. And yes I do load all of my 10 gauge ammo. And I have never shot on the West side before but I do understand there's quite a few sky Busters or I guess very optimistic people that shoot over there. I don't believe that you get any more power out of one gun versus the other but it's actually the amount of shot and the pattern that you get while shooting. I've heard all the folks say how they shoot 70 or 80 or 90 yards but realistically a long shot should not be more than 40 or 50 yards Max.

Offline h2ofowlr

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2024, 08:08:24 AM »
I'm not sure where you're getting your information that a three and a half 12 gauge is faster than a three and a half 10 gauge 1600 feet per second is 1600 feet per second. And that's what I shoot out of my 10 gauge and unless you're loading your 3 1/2 inch 12 gauge by hand I don't believe they make them that go that fast. And actually a 3 1/2 inch 12 gauge has more recoil to it because it has more constriction coming out the end of the barrel then a 3 1/2 inch 10 gauge with the same amount of shot. So my vote would still be for the 10 gauge. And yes I do load all of my 10 gauge ammo. And I have never shot on the West side before but I do understand there's quite a few sky Busters or I guess very optimistic people that shoot over there. I don't believe that you get any more power out of one gun versus the other but it's actually the amount of shot and the pattern that you get while shooting. I've heard all the folks say how they shoot 70 or 80 or 90 yards but realistically a long shot should not be more than 40 or 50 yards Max.
Most of the 10 gauge shells you will find are from 1,350 to 1,450.  Remington does offer a 1,500 fps in a 1-3/8.  That is the fastest waterfowl load I have ran across for the 10 gauge.  You can always load hotter yourself, but your pattern down range starts to come apart.  An equivalent 12 gauge in a 1-3/8 you can run 1,625 fps and if you like the pounding you can run the Hypersonics in 12 gauge at 1,700 fps.
Where the Night Goat hunts on Fir Island, most of the dike busters shoot well over 100 yards on snows.  I have brought out my range finder on multiple occasions to see where guys are cracking at them.  125, 145 and 200 yards were some ranges I vividly remember ranging birds at that individuals were shooting at.  Many of those individuals run BBB or T or special hand loads.  The firing line might not be the best test for the 10 gauge as they skybust way out of range for most and hail mary's unfortunately happen, but most end up walking around in fields bleeding from this approach.
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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2024, 10:28:08 AM »
I found this article from Joe Genzel comparing the 10 ga and the 12 ga very helpful:

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2024, 01:10:22 PM »
For my 10 gauge load I shoot RSI #100 it is an one and 3/8 ounce of steel shot which is equivalent pellet count to 1 7/8 oz of lead. This load shoots at 1595 feet per second. The same size load going through a 3 1/2 inch 12 gauge shoots at 1400 feet per second. I do not shoot factory loaded ammunition other than some 12 gauge bb that I bought a case of a while back. I'm really not into factory ammunition and I get excellent patterns from this 10 gauge load.

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2024, 02:20:26 PM »
For my 10 gauge load I shoot RSI #100 it is an one and 3/8 ounce of steel shot which is equivalent pellet count to 1 7/8 oz of lead. This load shoots at 1595 feet per second. The same size load going through a 3 1/2 inch 12 gauge shoots at 1400 feet per second. I do not shoot factory loaded ammunition other than some 12 gauge bb that I bought a case of a while back. I'm really not into factory ammunition and I get excellent patterns from this 10 gauge load.
Typically the bigger the bore, the lower the alllowable working pressure of a shotgun.  Here are the SAAMI specs for Shotshell Maximum Average Pressure (MAP) in PSI.
10 gauge 11,000
12 gauge 11,500 (except 3-1/2")
12 gauge 3-1/2" 14,000
How close are you to over pressuring the chamber of your 10?  To get 1,595 fps.  The equivalent in a 12 would probably exceed 1,700 fps.
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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2024, 02:39:57 PM »
Most , if not all of my 12 ga 3.5" 1 1/2 oz factory loads are 1500 fps.

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2024, 06:38:52 PM »
I had a Remington sp10 for several years.

It was sort of an impulse buy like several others I’ve done over the years, more to satisfy my own curiosity than anything else. It was very pleasant to shoot, and folded ducks and geese like you’d expect. The big downside is the availability and cost of shells, as well as lack of parts. They like to eat bolt buffers, and Remington discontinued all parts production when they stopped manufacturing the gun. I think somebody was making them for the aftermarket but it’s been a while.

I owned mine in the “golden days”(pre covid) when there were deals to be had on shells. I think I bought a case for about $140 at one point (around 2014). Expect to pay around $40-50 a box now, judging by what I’ve seen(3 1/2” 12 gauge isn’t much better now for that matter either…)

Ended up selling it to buy a rifle I really wanted, I do miss that shotgun sometimes but I certainly don’t regret it either. The novelty just kind of wore off and I didn’t use it much any more.
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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2024, 07:28:03 PM »
RSI load 100 states that it is 11,000 PSI. Shooting the same amount of shot through a smaller tube such as a 12 gauge should actually create more back pressure I would think, I do not shoot 3 1/2 inch twelves. But all of those that I have shot that other people own kicked like a mule. I do have a load for 12 gauge active hulls for an ounce and an eighth of steel that shoots 1800 feet per second.

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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2024, 07:49:12 PM »
RSI load 100 states that it is 11,000 PSI. Shooting the same amount of shot through a smaller tube such as a 12 gauge should actually create more back pressure I would think, I do not shoot 3 1/2 inch twelves. But all of those that I have shot that other people own kicked like a mule. I do have a load for 12 gauge active hulls for an ounce and an eighth of steel that shoots 1800 feet per second.

Hypersonics at 1,700fps kick hard and noticibly louder.  I had purchased a case and they were breaking parts in my autoloader, so I sold the remainder of the case.  The one benefit to the shell was a shorter lead.  You start getting above 1,700 fps and you really have to match a wad or you get poor patterns.  You can work on some of this with choke performance, but you really have to dial it in.  I have gone to hot and blew up an action, blew off the end of a barrel at the start of the thread, and i seized a bolt.  It wouldn't be fun shooting 1,800 fps unless you had a heavier gun or a recoil reducing system in the gun.  Mercury tubes, a hydraulic recoil system or EZ system installed.
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Re: 10 gauge shotguns
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2024, 08:46:04 AM »
Not to crash your thread with an ad....,284676.msg3873619.html#msg3873619

I still have this SP-10 for sale with 4 boxes of ammo.  Given your location we would need to factor shipping into the sale.  Might be able to get it to an FFL in Woodinville for you if you venture that way from time to time.

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