Hello WWA NW Chapter Members,
Chapter meeting and Trap shoot tonight
Our next NW Chapter meeting is next Wednesday the 14th at the Twin City Sportsman Club.
The Club will be open at 6:00PM for Trap shooting. The Business portion of the Meeting is at 7:00 pm.
Bring one of your favorite Waterfowl Recipes to share with the members
Welcome new members and guests
Member Open Discussion & Info sharing
WWA Business and News
Early Goose
Double Barrel Ranch Raffle
Chapter Banquet
Samish Blind Build
End of Meeting Raffle
If you have an agenda topic, please let me know.
Trap shoot before the business portion. First round is free. Additional rounds - TCSC members $6.00/non-members $8.00
Non WWA members are welcome to attend our meetings.
The Twin City Sportsman Club is located at 26933 64th Avenue NW, Stanwood, WA