I am hopeful the Red is coming.
Just for the record I comment on every gun law that comes along to all the reps I can.
Got a response today from house rep that they had noting to do with the ammo tax . I have to contact the state senate. So I did.
Everyday I talk to folks who voted Red but we were just out numbered. I have convinced more than one person to stop voting Dem. And more will come in time.
The biggest problem is anyone voting Red feels alone. But they aren’t. And sites like this or any avenue you can find are important to spread the word. I wear my MAGA hat when ever I go out and have numerous people approach me to talk our thumbs up. It’s not that I love Trump. But the hat shows were I stand. And I think that’s importantly in this state.
I give a die hard liberal a ride to work every day. And every day what’s happening to this state is on the conversation menu. But I will keep working on him.