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Re: Proposed excise tax on ammunition and firearms…again!!
« Reply #90 on: January 22, 2025, 12:41:56 PM »

I think what you heard was sheer frustration. Also that the assumption is that the same folks that cares about hunting/2a feel the same way the OP does on the other issues.  We have had some really good democrats on hunting and 2 a and hunting in the past. But those numbers are very few on 2a and does not translate to hunting in many cases.

This site is a wealth of informations but YOU  have to able to ignore frustrated or inflammatory comments that set you off.

We have all bad days and or need to vent some times, I'm certainly not perfect because I've thrown stones before.

Unfortunately I don't see this states political outlook improving I just hope federally we get some relief.
In archery we have something like the way of the superior man. When the archer misses the center of the target, he turns round and seeks for the cause of his failure in himself. 


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Re: Proposed excise tax on ammunition and firearms…again!!
« Reply #91 on: January 22, 2025, 01:02:27 PM »
I am hopeful the Red is coming.

Just for the record I comment on every gun law that comes along to all the reps I can.
Got a response today from house rep that they had noting to do with the ammo tax . I have to contact the state senate. So I did.

Everyday I talk to folks who voted Red but we were just out numbered. I have convinced more than one person to stop voting Dem. And more will come in time.

The biggest problem is anyone voting Red feels alone. But they aren’t. And sites like this or any avenue you can find are important to spread the word. I wear my MAGA hat when ever I go out and have numerous people approach me to talk our thumbs up. It’s not that I love Trump. But the hat shows were I stand. And I think that’s importantly in this state.

I give a die hard liberal a ride to work every day. And every day what’s happening to this state is on the conversation menu. But I will keep working on him.

GHOST CAMP "We Came To Hunt"
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Re: Proposed excise tax on ammunition and firearms…again!!
« Reply #92 on: January 22, 2025, 03:39:22 PM »
How do I officially propose an excise tax on suits, ties and dress shoes? I want to help the state budget deficit.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 12:00:55 PM by KrisKamm27 »

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Re: Proposed excise tax on ammunition and firearms…again!!
« Reply #93 on: January 22, 2025, 04:29:43 PM »
How do I officially propose an excise tax on suits, ties and dress does? I want to help the state budget deficit.

We need a 11 percent tax on irresponsible recreational sex. Abortion rarely is a woman's health issue but a easy way out of being resposible
« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 04:57:36 PM by Cougartail »
When you have to ask or pay your government to exercise your rights you have no rights.

Democrats are a freak show..

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Re: Proposed excise tax on ammunition and firearms…again!!
« Reply #94 on: January 22, 2025, 05:44:27 PM »
How do I officially propose an excise tax on suits, ties and dress does? I want to help the state budget deficit.

We need a 11 percent tax on irresponsible recreational sex. Abortion rarely is a woman's health issue but a easy way out of being resposible

Your going to put someone in “crisis” with that kind of talk 👍 :chuckle:
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Offline KrisKamm27

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Re: Proposed excise tax on ammunition and firearms…again!!
« Reply #95 on: January 23, 2025, 12:38:47 PM »
Taxes are good if the revenue is spent to benefit everyone and if there is data supporting it. When groups are proposing taxes to try to jab at people who they are targeting based on moral or ideological righteousness, thats a problem. It always comes across as baby steps to remove guns or make ownership a hassle. But the gun stats in washington say 80% of gun deaths are suicide and 20% crime (mainly with illegal guns). When your group is called the council for responsible gun ownership or whatever.... How exactly is proposing an ammo tax going to create better gun owners? Someone with mental health issues only needs 1 bullet. A criminal with a stolen gun didnt pay taxes on the stolen ammo. All the magazine limitations, closing FFL's.. ammo taxes.. its like trying to fight DUI deaths by limiting the size of the gas tank or adding a tax on windshield wipers. Its silly gimmicks that don't benefit society.

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Re: Proposed excise tax on ammunition and firearms…again!!
« Reply #96 on: January 23, 2025, 01:00:27 PM »
Taxes are good if the revenue is spent to benefit everyone and if there is data supporting it. When groups are proposing taxes to try to jab at people who they are targeting based on moral or ideological righteousness, thats a problem. It always comes across as baby steps to remove guns or make ownership a hassle. But the gun stats in washington say 80% of gun deaths are suicide and 20% crime (mainly with illegal guns). When your group is called the council for responsible gun ownership or whatever.... How exactly is proposing an ammo tax going to create better gun owners? Someone with mental health issues only needs 1 bullet. A criminal with a stolen gun didnt pay taxes on the stolen ammo. All the magazine limitations, closing FFL's.. ammo taxes.. its like trying to fight DUI deaths by limiting the size of the gas tank or adding a tax on windshield wipers. Its silly gimmicks that don't benefit society.

Preach on brother!!!

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