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I just sent a message to President Trump as well. Since its a state issue, not sure what he can do, but at least maybe he can draw attention to the Unconstitutional language in the bill. Guess it can't hurt to try.
this is just blatantly wrong I don't no how many legal gun owners are in this state but I no there is not enough jail space to lock em all up who the hell is going to pay this . And besides that we all no the liberal left just love criminals just watch the news every night.How many of them illegals did ice arrest that have federal gun charges that these law makers let back out on the street does that sound like they are worried about crime and guns hell no where's all these federal judges that should be opposed to these unconstitutional laws . when our president signs a executive order these judges with in minutes are filing against them sounds like the government needs to look into the american bar association and set them straight on the constitution And who is exempt from this ex law enforcement, ex military, oh and what about our Native American people are they exempt because if they are can the lawful gun owning people of washington file a federal class action discrimination law suit against our state legislators .This is starting to sound more like a dictatorship . Over the years you have to look at all the feel good laws that our state legislatures have put into place that don't work or they just completely ignore they have failed failed failed the washington people. The dumbing down of America Thank god Mr Tump is back in power