Hi all,
I am thinking about spreading my wings and hunting a new area, this time a little closer to home. I have my eye on the areas to the north and west of Mazama but have never been in that area for some reason. I was hoping to get some info on a few things before I head out to do some scouting next weekend. They are as follows;
1. I am thinking about camping somewhere around the Monument Creek TH and the Rattlesnake TH. Are those decent places to camp and how busy do they get during modern firearm? How are the camping opportunities up FSR 4500 and past Rattlesnake TH?
2. Since there have been large fires (Cedar Creek and Cub Creek 2) to the south and east of this area, do you expect a larger than normal amount of hunters in this area?
3. If it hit the end of the roads near the Pasayten Wilderness and head off on foot will I have a good chance of getting away from most other hunters?
4. Shot in the dark here but: Any tips on places to checkout that might give me a good chance at a nice muley? Or what about whitetail?
5. I plan on hunting the whole duration of the modern firearm season, does hunting pressure change much as the season goes on?
6. I will also be foraging for mushrooms while scouting and hunting. Anybody have a spot that produces chanterelles or king boletus?
7. Anything else I should know before heading out?
Thanks in advance and just so you know, I won't believe you if you say there are no deer out there. I wasn't born yesterday.