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I’m sorry if this question was already asked, but are there any known exceptions in this legislation for firearms or other items held in a trust?
So, if you have lowers now will you be able to assemble an AR after bill??
What about uppers? Can they still be bought and sold?
1240 just passed 27-21 goes back to the house now.
Quote from: Bigluke1981 on April 08, 2023, 04:56:46 PM1240 just passed 27-21 goes back to the house now.And this surprises some people?It shouldn't surprise anyone that a State that would; legalize crime (shoplifting and theft), demand that we all cower to perverted sexual individuals, deny science in favor of ideology, would also pass a blatantly unconstitutional gun ban. I'm just surprised that it took them this long to pass this legislation.
Has anyone seen or know where we can take this so called fire arm safety class?? Does the class I took 40 years to hunt count ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote from: swordtine on April 09, 2023, 08:51:53 AMI’m sorry if this question was already asked, but are there any known exceptions in this legislation for firearms or other items held in a trust?Any firearm owned is grandfathered in and Still legal to own.
Quote from: time2hunt on April 09, 2023, 02:06:07 PMHas anyone seen or know where we can take this so called fire arm safety class?? Does the class I took 40 years to hunt count ? Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkReferring to WA I-1639 Compliance Training? My most recent certificate dated March 20th, 2023.