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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2024, 09:58:42 PM »
I like this idea, now I will be able to see all other hunters in the areas I am at. I’ve been harassed by other hunters for not wearing orange when I have been a hiker enjoying the outdoor. I always laugh, cause yeah it’s dumb. But, it’s not really about safety, otherwise everyone would be wearing orange. It’s dumb, it is laughable to make it only for modern as well. Just shows how samrt out commission is. They just want to highlight the hunters out there from August-April. Just wait till we will have to wear orange for turkey hunting, it’s coming.

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2024, 08:05:49 AM »
I detest the color of ORANGE. I don't purchase any items in ORANGE, except the stoopid vest I'm forced to wear during modern rifle to keep myself "safe".

As mentioned multiple times above and I've said it before here too; I feel that the ulterior motive of the mandatory "hunter orange" requirement is to allow LE an "easier" way to identify hunters in the field. It's essentially profiling, hidden behind the red-herring of "public/hunter safety".

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2024, 08:09:14 AM »
I detest the color of ORANGE. I don't purchase any items in ORANGE, except the stoopid vest I'm forced to wear during modern rifle to keep myself "safe".

As mentioned multiple times above and I've said it before here too; I feel that the ulterior motive of the mandatory "hunter orange" requirement is to allow LE an "easier" way to identify hunters in the field. It's essentially profiling, hidden behind the red-herring of "public/hunter safety".
:yeah: exactly.
“In common with”..... not so much!!

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2024, 08:52:06 AM »
I understand what folks are saying.....don't 100% agree.....but understand.  I did a quick google search and it shows 40 states currently require hunters orange for hunting.  I didn't look deep enough to see for what specific season...most likely rifle seasons.  So are all the other 39 states motives to profile hunters or is the motive truly safety.....regardless of whether or not you believe it makes you more safe? 

I want other hunters to see me with the naked eye and not scope me when they see movement.  Here is a great article and history of hunters / blaze orange.  This came about many decades ago.....I just can't believe it is a profiling mechanism with this long standing history.  I would agree with what some had said....why just the "hunter", or person holding a rifle?  Why not others that are accompanying the hunter??  Why not WDFW employees when in the field during rifle seasons??  I think it would be hard to force others, not in the act of hunting, to wear it.....but it could be highly recommended.  That said...why give non hunters a reason to complain about hunters when we start telling them what to wear?? 

Regardless.....very interesting topic and appreciate everyone's perspectives. 

Here is the article I found informative.

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2024, 09:17:28 AM »
I am a big fan of orange. I can see it from a distance and turn the other direction as I do not like to hunt close to people. If it weren't for the birds eye I would vote for using it on ducks and turkey as well. It takes the fun out of shooting a turkey when another party is around and working the same bird. It is impossible to not have a run in every few years on public ground and only takes one guy to ruin the mood. I don't see bear as being much different aside from I can typically avoid people easier since the mountains are less crowded. I also don't need an excited hunter scoping me. The only downside to the rule will be being forced to wear some clothing in August when I’m working on my tan.

Offline buckfvr

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #35 on: April 14, 2024, 09:50:36 AM »
I detest the color of ORANGE. I don't purchase any items in ORANGE, except the stoopid vest I'm forced to wear during modern rifle to keep myself "safe".

As mentioned multiple times above and I've said it before here too; I feel that the ulterior motive of the mandatory "hunter orange" requirement is to allow LE an "easier" way to identify hunters in the field. It's essentially profiling, hidden behind the red-herring of "public/hunter safety".
:yeah: exactly.

 :yeah:  Plus I am in agreement, we wear it, wdfw staff wears it no exception.

Offline hughjorgan

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2024, 09:58:17 AM »
I understand what folks are saying.....don't 100% agree.....but understand.  I did a quick google search and it shows 40 states currently require hunters orange for hunting.  I didn't look deep enough to see for what specific season...most likely rifle seasons.  So are all the other 39 states motives to profile hunters or is the motive truly safety.....regardless of whether or not you believe it makes you more safe? 

I want other hunters to see me with the naked eye and not scope me when they see movement.  Here is a great article and history of hunters / blaze orange.  This came about many decades ago.....I just can't believe it is a profiling mechanism with this long standing history.  I would agree with what some had said....why just the "hunter", or person holding a rifle?  Why not others that are accompanying the hunter??  Why not WDFW employees when in the field during rifle seasons??  I think it would be hard to force others, not in the act of hunting, to wear it.....but it could be highly recommended.  That said...why give non hunters a reason to complain about hunters when we start telling them what to wear?? 

Regardless.....very interesting topic and appreciate everyone's perspectives. 

Here is the article I found informative.

Okay so if you want people to be able to see you with the naked eye, when bear season has been in season in the past were you wearing hunter orange so others could  see you? I bet I know the answer.

There are 20k bear hunters on average every year in Washington with a season that is months long. This new regulation has nothing to do with making anyone safer. There is no crowding in the bear woods like you’ll see when deer and elk hunters are crammed into a small window of opportunity to hunt those species.

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #37 on: April 14, 2024, 10:37:41 AM »
Like others have stated bear hunters are a a very small percentage of people in the woods during August September and early October. It should be a personal choice if you want to be seen or not to be seen. If I take a kid bear hunting with me I wear an orange hat and also have them but that’s my choice now that doesn’t even cut it.  On another note it’s still a 2 bear limit so we need to get out and thin a few more out before they drop it to one since that is probably next. 

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #38 on: April 14, 2024, 11:07:38 AM »
I like to hunt bare. But when it starts getting chilly in the fall I’ll wear a stocking hat.

Offline jrebel

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #39 on: April 14, 2024, 11:36:30 AM »
I understand what folks are saying.....don't 100% agree.....but understand.  I did a quick google search and it shows 40 states currently require hunters orange for hunting.  I didn't look deep enough to see for what specific season...most likely rifle seasons.  So are all the other 39 states motives to profile hunters or is the motive truly safety.....regardless of whether or not you believe it makes you more safe? 

I want other hunters to see me with the naked eye and not scope me when they see movement.  Here is a great article and history of hunters / blaze orange.  This came about many decades ago.....I just can't believe it is a profiling mechanism with this long standing history.  I would agree with what some had said....why just the "hunter", or person holding a rifle?  Why not others that are accompanying the hunter??  Why not WDFW employees when in the field during rifle seasons??  I think it would be hard to force others, not in the act of hunting, to wear it.....but it could be highly recommended.  That said...why give non hunters a reason to complain about hunters when we start telling them what to wear?? 

Regardless.....very interesting topic and appreciate everyone's perspectives. 

Here is the article I found informative.

Okay so if you want people to be able to see you with the naked eye, when bear season has been in season in the past were you wearing hunter orange so others could  see you? I bet I know the answer.

There are 20k bear hunters on average every year in Washington with a season that is months long. This new regulation has nothing to do with making anyone safer. There is no crowding in the bear woods like you’ll see when deer and elk hunters are crammed into a small window of opportunity to hunt those species.

To answer your question....not all the time.  Let me explain.  With the exception of maybe 6 bears, all my bears have been killed on private property or in Canada.  When on private property (large parcels), I know who and where the other hunters are.  Usually there are only a couple people hunting the property and we sit in pre designated areas (depending on feed / time of year and wind), we aren't out beating the brush so to speak.  When on public ground hunting bears, we are usually hunting other animals, so "YES" am wearing my hunters orange.  One spring hunt (my first) I had a guided bear hunt in the NE corner.  I didn't wear hunters orange for that trip, though I had it in my backpack.  We primarily road hunted, stopping to glass large hillsides and cuts....never get more than 100 feet from the truck.  It was a great hunt, and I learned a ton about spring bear hunts (cover ground and use your glass).  If I was hiking ridges I would have felt more comfortable in orange.  I've heard the whistle of bullets go off over my head and it is very unnerving to say the least. 

I also wear hunters orange when hunting with my son, even though I am not the hunter. 

At the end of the day.....I guess it is to each their own.  Am I excited to wear hunters orange when hunting private property....NO.  Is it a deal breaker....NO.  I guess I'm just not as emotionally vested in this fight.  Just curious why so many are willing to dig there heals in when (to me), it just doesn't seam like that big an issue. 

It's kind of like all the celebrities that say if "Trump gets elected, I'm moving to a different Country."  Never happened....   If I have to wear hunters orange, It's all the more reason to not hunt in this state, Bet that doesn't happen either. 

As for your example, with numbers of hunters during bear season.....I get it and hear you loud and clear!!  I may refute that argument by giving an poor as it may be....Most kids that run with scissors don't fall and impale themselves, but we still tell them to not run with scissors.  Point being, even though it would be exceeding rare for a kid to fall on scissors, the outcome of such event can be catastrophic.  Same if you are not seen and you get shot by a careless hunter.  Yeah, the careless hunter should have had better judgement......doesn't change the fact you may be severly wounded or dead.   

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #40 on: April 14, 2024, 12:39:02 PM »
I understand what folks are saying.....don't 100% agree.....but understand.  I did a quick google search and it shows 40 states currently require hunters orange for hunting.  I didn't look deep enough to see for what specific season...most likely rifle seasons.  So are all the other 39 states motives to profile hunters or is the motive truly safety.....regardless of whether or not you believe it makes you more safe? 

I want other hunters to see me with the naked eye and not scope me when they see movement.  Here is a great article and history of hunters / blaze orange.  This came about many decades ago.....I just can't believe it is a profiling mechanism with this long standing history.  I would agree with what some had said....why just the "hunter", or person holding a rifle?  Why not others that are accompanying the hunter??  Why not WDFW employees when in the field during rifle seasons??  I think it would be hard to force others, not in the act of hunting, to wear it.....but it could be highly recommended.  That said...why give non hunters a reason to complain about hunters when we start telling them what to wear?? 

Regardless.....very interesting topic and appreciate everyone's perspectives. 

Here is the article I found informative.

Okay so if you want people to be able to see you with the naked eye, when bear season has been in season in the past were you wearing hunter orange so others could  see you? I bet I know the answer.

There are 20k bear hunters on average every year in Washington with a season that is months long. This new regulation has nothing to do with making anyone safer. There is no crowding in the bear woods like you’ll see when deer and elk hunters are crammed into a small window of opportunity to hunt those species.

To answer your question....not all the time.  Let me explain.  With the exception of maybe 6 bears, all my bears have been killed on private property or in Canada.  When on private property (large parcels), I know who and where the other hunters are.  Usually there are only a couple people hunting the property and we sit in pre designated areas (depending on feed / time of year and wind), we aren't out beating the brush so to speak.  When on public ground hunting bears, we are usually hunting other animals, so "YES" am wearing my hunters orange.  One spring hunt (my first) I had a guided bear hunt in the NE corner.  I didn't wear hunters orange for that trip, though I had it in my backpack.  We primarily road hunted, stopping to glass large hillsides and cuts....never get more than 100 feet from the truck.  It was a great hunt, and I learned a ton about spring bear hunts (cover ground and use your glass).  If I was hiking ridges I would have felt more comfortable in orange.  I've heard the whistle of bullets go off over my head and it is very unnerving to say the least. 

I also wear hunters orange when hunting with my son, even though I am not the hunter. 

At the end of the day.....I guess it is to each their own.  Am I excited to wear hunters orange when hunting private property....NO.  Is it a deal breaker....NO.  I guess I'm just not as emotionally vested in this fight.  Just curious why so many are willing to dig there heals in when (to me), it just doesn't seam like that big an issue. 

It's kind of like all the celebrities that say if "Trump gets elected, I'm moving to a different Country."  Never happened....   If I have to wear hunters orange, It's all the more reason to not hunt in this state, Bet that doesn't happen either. 

As for your example, with numbers of hunters during bear season.....I get it and hear you loud and clear!!  I may refute that argument by giving an poor as it may be....Most kids that run with scissors don't fall and impale themselves, but we still tell them to not run with scissors.  Point being, even though it would be exceeding rare for a kid to fall on scissors, the outcome of such event can be catastrophic.  Same if you are not seen and you get shot by a careless hunter.  Yeah, the careless hunter should have had better judgement......doesn't change the fact you may be severly wounded or dead.

Freedoms should never be removed at the chance of an increase of safety. Personal responsibility is important. I except that walking alone in the woods is a risk to My safety. There’s a lot more realistic ways I could die in the woods then getting shot. But that’s my personal choice. Just like what color my clothing is should be my personal choice.

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #41 on: April 14, 2024, 12:40:24 PM »
It’s a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Bear hunters aren’t shooting other bear hunters. Not to mention the most effective way to hunt bears in the fall is to find their food source and glass for them not beat the brush.

Maybe if we didn’t have such a crappy commission to contend with people wouldn’t be making the assumptions they are but we do have an anti predator/anti hunting commission that makes this dumb WAC highly suspicious. What problem did it address?

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #42 on: April 14, 2024, 01:17:22 PM »
For me, its not a deal breaker, but its definitely a nuisance.

I like to be discrete when I'm hunting. I backpack hunt in places where I can get away. I like being discrete and blending in. If I'm 50 yards off trail and someone is passing by, I'm likely to duck low and just let them pass without them ever knowing I was there. I just like it that way. I like being discrete.
If I never get closer than 500 yards from some hiker and they see me up on a hill off trail they might think, what is that guy doing up there? Now they will know exactly what I'm doing, hunting. So what you might ask? How about that hiker goes and leaves a trip report for that trail on WTA and says, saw a hunter hiking off trail towards (names your hunting spot). Or what if they tell their friend or coworker who hunts? Or what if its a deer hunter who is just out hiking. Next year they decide to hunt bears for the first time ever. Where might they start? The list of what ifs is endless. The point is, I don't want to give away my location or my motives to other people if I don't have to.

My second gripe is simply the annoyance of wearing an orange vest. Bear hunting weather can be hot as hell! One more layer, even if its thin and a vest, makes a difference. Its. Dealing with layers and having to always make sure my vest goes on top is obnoxious.  more weight in my pack. Its something I could forget while packing. It is an annoyance.

Is this a huge deal? No, but it is an inconvenience and it isn't necessary where and how I hunt.

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2024, 01:22:18 PM »
I dont mind wearing hunter orange.  Thought is was weird not wearing it in idaho the last few years.   I remember years ago I was bear hunting on top of a clear cut.  Sitting on a stump looking down the cut.  My dad gets on the radio and asks if im sitting on the stump in top center of cut. I respond yeah. He says and why in the hell are you wearing all black if we are bear hunting??? I was wearing black carthart jeans and sweatshirt.  My response was good point. Haven't made that mistake. But I Don't think I'll be wearing hunter orange bear hunting though

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Re: Hunter orange for rifle bear hunting
« Reply #44 on: April 14, 2024, 04:20:35 PM »
Bears have great color vision, not a fan of this new crap.   :twocents:


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