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Offline cjensen

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life
« Reply #105 on: October 20, 2024, 02:48:26 PM »
My brother finished a little preview.  Please subscribe to his channel!

Offline Dan-o

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life
« Reply #106 on: October 20, 2024, 03:59:33 PM »
Well, the preview got the juices flowing!
Member:   Yakstrakgutp (or whatever we are)
I love the BFRO!!!
I wonder how many people will touch their nose to their screen trying to read this...

Offline cjensen

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life
« Reply #107 on: October 20, 2024, 04:27:02 PM »
Well, the preview got the juices flowing!

I thought so too!  He is good at adding a little drama.  He has a lot of film making to do this year with the stuff that keeps dying in front of his lens. 

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life
« Reply #108 on: October 20, 2024, 05:57:40 PM »
Great bull!!

Offline Buckhunter24

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life
« Reply #109 on: October 20, 2024, 07:32:05 PM »
Did your brother have a kapowsin pass too?

Offline cjensen

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life
« Reply #110 on: October 20, 2024, 07:37:54 PM »
Did your brother have a kapowsin pass too?
I can't think of any non sarcastic response to this question...

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life
« Reply #111 on: October 20, 2024, 07:39:30 PM »
Did your brother have a kapowsin pass too?
I can't think of any non sarcastic response to this question...

That's about the response I expected.

This does no favors to hunters accessing private properties.

Offline cjensen

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life
« Reply #112 on: October 20, 2024, 07:51:42 PM »
Did your brother have a kapowsin pass too?
I can't think of any non sarcastic response to this question...

That's about the response I expected.

This does no favors to hunters accessing private properties.

Thanks for the investigation on behalf of all hunters.  Much needed as we didn't have time to read or follow the rules. 

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life
« Reply #113 on: October 20, 2024, 07:54:02 PM »
Did your brother have a kapowsin pass too?
I can't think of any non sarcastic response to this question...

That's about the response I expected.

This does no favors to hunters accessing private properties.

Thanks for the investigation on behalf of all hunters.  Much needed as we didn't have time to read or follow the rules.

Got the sarcasm. Keep up the good work.

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life - video added**
« Reply #114 on: October 21, 2024, 07:02:01 AM »
So does the tag you possessed give you carte blanche permission to hunt wherever and whenever you want regardless the constraints levied by property owners? If the answer is no then it feels pretty obvious what you did. What IS kind of stunning having been on this site for many years is the accolades being showered upon you by people who know better but because it didn't impact them directly or they feel some kinda way about the timber company policies its o.k..

I could only imagine the outrage if you had entered an "old salts" or Bearpaws property and dropped that monster. Property owners can and do impose their own rules for their property. I can't by an elk tag in Montana and just happen to end up on the Harteise(sp) ranch, kill a OIL bull and think hey all is good i gotta tag. You would have likely been arrested, your animal and all your gear taken AND a ban. I wouldn't rest too easy until all this settles as more could possibly come your way.

All that being said its a dandy of a bull and i am sure the experience was memorable BUT C'MON man you/WE are better than that. Don't ever let your judgment be clouded by a trophy that you likeley seen in on previous trips.  Whether its fish outta season, you're in a closed area, or on private property you will taint the whole rest of the hunting/fishing population. Character is what you do when you think no one else is watching.

Good Luck

Please read Kapowsins rules, then point out which one he violated. He purchased a permit and hunted within their posted rules. There was no trespassing involved. Your what if games are not the same.

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life - video added**
« Reply #115 on: October 21, 2024, 07:21:31 AM »
Kapowsin has a raffle elk hunt only as far as a i know.. Unless you are drawn from their paid to play bucket, you don't get to shoot an elk in there...PERIOD..Their property, their rules

Also- There are many many things in life that don't need to be spelled out to a to the enth degree for you or anybody else to understand.

Regs say i can shoot a blacktail in my backyard should that be the "bible" used to determine whether i can or not OR do i need to consider local laws that prevent me from shooting projectiles within certain limits?

I guess i could shoot it and say show me in the regs where it says i can't...and the officer says

That's one point of view and one that Kapowsin agrees with.  It is at least an interesting topic to debate.  I do challenge you to read their rules and you will find no rules that manage harvest. They only regulate access and allow hunting of all kinds, including elk outside of their lottery draw (cow elk).

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life - video added**
« Reply #116 on: October 21, 2024, 07:42:54 AM »
So does the tag you possessed give you carte blanche permission to hunt wherever and whenever you want regardless the constraints levied by property owners? If the answer is no then it feels pretty obvious what you did. What IS kind of stunning having been on this site for many years is the accolades being showered upon you by people who know better but because it didn't impact them directly or they feel some kinda way about the timber company policies its o.k..

I could only imagine the outrage if you had entered an "old salts" or Bearpaws property and dropped that monster. Property owners can and do impose their own rules for their property. I can't by an elk tag in Montana and just happen to end up on the Harteise(sp) ranch, kill a OIL bull and think hey all is good i gotta tag. You would have likely been arrested, your animal and all your gear taken AND a ban. I wouldn't rest too easy until all this settles as more could possibly come your way.

All that being said its a dandy of a bull and i am sure the experience was memorable BUT C'MON man you/WE are better than that. Don't ever let your judgment be clouded by a trophy that you likeley seen in on previous trips.  Whether its fish outta season, you're in a closed area, or on private property you will taint the whole rest of the hunting/fishing population. Character is what you do when you think no one else is watching.

Good Luck

It sounds to me like you are unaware of the raffle tag and what it allows.  It also sounds like you may not have read the Kapowsin rules.  You are correct that the tag does not allow me to just trespass on private property and shoot whatever I feel like.  This is precisely why I had to buy an access pass and strictly abide by their rules. There is no accusation or issue with trespassing.  I would challenge you to familiarize yourself with the raffle tag rules and the Hancock rules and I think you may at least see a grey area.   Having said that, this has been a learning lesson for me.  Thanks for your comments and contributions to what has been quite an interesting debate.  If everyone agreed with me, it wouldnt be much of a debate or interesting topic.

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life - video added**
« Reply #117 on: October 21, 2024, 07:54:57 AM »
I've hunted it- I had a spring bear tag in there and they obviously sell tags for other animals during other seasons and then they draw for their bull elk tags right from the 1200 or so permits that were sold to hunt in there? Only so many for each weapon, archery, muzzy etc..Is that the tag you had in your pocket? YES or No? The answer is really that easy...Yes or NO

If not, coming from your hunting background, I think you know your wrong. But whats done is done and i am sure more stringent controls will be put on outdoorsmen as a result, whether its just at Kapowsin or state wide. But hey you got your OIL bull on film and screw all the others right? 

And there was a question posed to you about your brother and whether he had a tag which you slipped and dipped like Ali in his prime which doesn't sound to me like he did.. Cuz if memory serves me you are not allowed in there without a permit unless they are under a certain age. Not even to help recover! SMH I dunno guy
Thanks again for your comments.   I didn't answer the access pass about my brother as the answer should be obvious to all.  Kapowsin will see this post and will be able to confirm that fact quite easily.  I cannot even take my own wife in there without her having her own pass.  I didn't post on here so I could answer investigatory questions.  Why not also ask me if I tagged him properly, or perhaps if I took out all the meat or just the antlers.   Perhaps I dont actually have the state's Westside Raffle tag and the real tag holder will pipe up soon?  I answered your questions/comments/opinion, as well as every other opinion with as much respect as possible, but refuse to answer questions like that.   Again, I respect your opinion and will continue to try to improve as a person and hunter and make sure we're all representing hunting in the best light possible so that we have a sport to pass down to our kids.

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life - video added**
« Reply #118 on: October 21, 2024, 07:55:53 AM »
I have a question,  How did you take the bull from the property?  was it openly displayed in the back of the truck and shown to workers, other trucks, etc or was it discreetly taken out with just the harvest card slipped into the box at the gate. Was it celebrated as it would have been if you knew for certain you were ok to be in there if you had confirmed with them you were good to go? Only you and your brother know how this was done. As I stated before you did not break any of their rules......but as someone who had the raffle and was told I could not hunt it I also know why you didnt ask.

Offline cjensen

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Re: Westside Elk Raffle Tag - Banned for Life - video added**
« Reply #119 on: October 21, 2024, 08:09:50 AM »
I have a question,  How did you take the bull from the property?  was it openly displayed in the back of the truck and shown to workers, other trucks, etc or was it discreetly taken out with just the harvest card slipped into the box at the gate. Was it celebrated as it would have been if you knew for certain you were ok to be in there if you had confirmed with them you were good to go? Only you and your brother know how this was done. As I stated before you did not break any of their rules......but as someone who had the raffle and was told I could not hunt it I also know why you didnt ask.

I put it in the back of my truck, not hidden, and I drove out proud.  There was only one other hunter that we passed, and they came back and wanted to see the thing. We talked for 15 or 20 minutes at the gate while I filled out the green harvest card and then we left.  I already addressed the question earlier about asking/not asking, and mentioned that I probably should have.  My lifetime ban suggests that to be true.  Having said that, the rules did not prohibit it, and I pointed to a particular titled post on here where the raffle tag person was specifically allowed to  hunt Kapowsin.   The rules being what they are, and specific references to the raffle tag hunter being given permission, led me not to ask and to just do it.  In addition, I figured I'd be tagged out in the White River and over hunting for moose by the time I was hunting Hancock.   I only had a 320" goal for elk since I had so many other things to hunt.  I never thought I'd even make it there.   I also have spent extremely little time in Kapowsin and had never even seen an elk in there.  I figured I had a better chance in areas I was familiar.  Turned out not to be true...


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