I signed it.
I’m still not sure what the threat is, or how this policy has any teeth.
You’re not sure what the threat is?
Which policy has no teeth?
You saw the part about how the commission has eliminated spring bear hunting, right?
This thread is about the conservation policy.
Can you tell me what it will do?
It will open the floodgates to even worse policies and gives them more power. Its all a part of the climate change and rewilding agenda
That’s the kind of answer I expected.
Seriously spend the time to read it yourself. They change out conservation and go with preservation. They essentially want to close off most of the state land for animal watching and interpretive trails. They are proposing to change the mandate to get rid of the part that states they have to provide opportunity for hunting and fishing and start managing for “all user groups”. The tribes seemed pretty upset as they were not consulted at all and it basically states that wdfw will no longer be working towards harvestable numbers. It’s awful and a complete waste of time and will be a complete destruction of our outdoors. Read it.
I’ve read it.
It’s useless.
Good. So I’m sure you sent them commission a comment stating how upset you are that they spent 2 years drafting a useless policy instead of putting their focus and efforts in doing something that actually matters. I agree that it this new policy is useless to hunters and therefor fairly concerning