Free: Contests & Raffles.
I’ve filmed two different coyote / buck encounters this week. First one the buck was standing on a riverbank looking down. I assumed he had a doe in the brush below him. I was sitting there with my camera and all of a sudden a wet coyote emerged that had just swam the river. That coyote was more scared of that buck than me. Next day, I was watching a buck who was intent on something. Usually it’s a bigger buck when they act this way. He was interesting to watch. I finally spotted the coyote bedded in the shadows. The buck cautiously approached kind of in half circles and then attacked. Lol! He stomped that sucker and ran him off. He then came back and sniffed up the bed. I had seen a smaller buck and doe laying in the same spot the day before. I’m not sure which had the bucks interest. Cool behavior to witness and film. The wife loved it.