Hello my name is stw. i post my story of my daughter sheep hunt in the quilomene few years ago . Yes i have played it forward on helping people in there for places to start and to hunt . So i am asking for my daughter she drew a Spokane west tag and she only has 2 separate times maybe 3 to hunt she works for the game department in the methow valley and doesn't have to many days to hunt i no its a long shot but im asking help for a starting point to start to look for a cow she hasn't hunted since her sheep hunt she's been in college. Worked her butt off . In my defense i have only scouted day and a half with no luck
I no its bad on me not having much time to scout but me and the family and friends and new friends i have met help me on my swakane sheep tag pics will come soon .
I really appreciate a starting point to look for cow moose for my daughter. She worked her butt off and past on 4 years of hunting for school
I like for at least her to see a moose to be honest only animal shes ever harvested was her sheep. I no shes really lucky. I really appreciate it for the help and thank you again for any information to start . Thanks
I almost for got i been on the phone with the game department twice trying to get information on the unit with no luck from them there just giving me the run around its like they don't want you harvest a moose. i got all kinds of information for a sheep hunt but for moose the game department closed lipped