2024 eastern WA muzzy cow tag filled! Funny story about this one. We were flanking a herd with a bull screaming trying to get the wind right to slip in front and hope a cow pushed by. Well he pushed his cows down the ridge quick and we were just never able to get good wind. We had heard some cows mewing down below us back up the ridge so we swung down below and worked up the ridge and setup to do a cold calling setup with lost cow/calf sounds. About 10 minutes later I hear a stick break directly below me so I start watching. A bit odd because it’s perfectly down wind of us. Pretty soon a see a hunter through the brush and then couldn’t see him anymore. I sat there a bit waiting to see what they did, and they started cow calling. A little while later they start heading back out. Literally that exact moment I hear a stick up above us. Look up and see 2 cows sneaking down the ridge about 50 yards away. I get ready and the cow steps into my opening and I drop her in her tracks. I end up going up and shooting her one more time in the base of the head to anchor her for good. The other hunters come up and one says, “Hey, you’re Buglebuster from huntwa” I said sure am and we introduce ourselves. Good people! Sorry
@Harleysboss for making you *censored* your pants when I shot that cow, it just happend so fast