

Author Topic: Fall Turkey  (Read 1013 times)

Offline Russ McDonald

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Fall Turkey
« on: December 08, 2024, 03:07:27 AM »
Morning everyone.  Well, after almost 3 years, it's finally good to get out and do some hunting.  A bunch of us from the NWTF state chapter and a new turkey hunter went out turkey hunting this weekend.  2 of them tagged out over the last 2 days.  One for me and one for my partner I was teamed up with.  Birds did not cooperate on day one fly down.  Day one for me was letting all the others get their birds especially the new turkey hunter.  He was the first one to strike day one late morning.  He got one and his partner he was teamed up got to.  I suggested making wild turkey schnitzel when we got back to the AirBNB and damn that was some good eating.  Day 2 split the groups up.  Me and my partner hunted the same place as day one morning.  Nothing, talked with the farmer mid-morning and he was like don't  know where they are.  Talked more and he said there was a cat around and I was like yeah you have tons of barn cats and he was like one that eats those cats.  Then a realized just before the birds flew down and heard some load sharp tweets and I was oh I have heard that before.  Mountain lion/cougar.  Looking at that made me realize that is why those birds in the roost were not very vocal before fly down.  15 at start of yelping they were on the ground.  7 was shooting they started tree yelping about that time and 7:20 they pitched down.  So back to day 2 which was yesterday.  We are in Chewela and hunting farms around Colville and surrounding area.  Rain was setting in me and my partner decided to pack it in around 11.  The other 2 guys got there birds to tag out.  So my partner and I decided that we would head out to that property the others were hunting.  While driving out there we checked a place out that a really great dude that saw us in North 40 in Colville on the night of day one gave use info on his place.  He first thought we were hunting moose.  I really think this guy is on the forum and if you are a beautiful place.  So get to the property we are hunting.  Get out and of course the rain has coated everything in a sheet of ice.  Plans were we parked at the hay barns cross the road and over into the big field where all the birds are at.  We head out.  Remember last reference of the sheet of ice.  Yup my foot kicks out walking down the dirt driveway at the barn to cross the road.  Didn't fall but caught myself.  Little back story.  I blew my back out December of 2022.  Surgery October 2023, not fixed but didn't make it worse.  Somethings are better some aren't. Well catching myself was not good.  I ended up sending my partner on and I hobbled back to my truck.  Mind fall hunting and big flocks.  I get a text from my buddy coming towards you.  I look over my should and there is at least 100 birds across the road.  They are headed towards him. They are also getting close to me and looks like they may cross the road so I slide out of the truck with farm equipment around me.  Guess what they spook but further away on the opposite side was a handful if birds well wait time.  Farm kids where there doing work and he comes up to me and was like hey there is a ton of birds back behind the hay barn in the field with the cows.  You can drive right up to them.  Being in a ton of pain I was like ok let me go look.  Round the corner yup lots of birds.  I watch and then I come up with an idea.  Nope I did not shoot out of my truck LOL.  I slipped out got to the corral fence line and walked hobbled along it until I got to the gate.  They did see me going from my truck to the gate but didn't react to bad.  Got to the gate put the gun up on the gate for a rest.  Cows were well away so had to pick a clear hot on a bird.  These things were all milling about feeding.  Nothing was standing still.  Seas parted and one was clear but had it's head down feeding.  I had not calls just my gun.  Had the red dot on him and he picks it's head up boom down.  Estimate was 30 to 49 yard shot.  Cows don't spook but birds are running swing to pick up another bird.  Squeeze and a miss by that time they were getting to far out.  So open the gate squeeze through and close so I don't have a stampede of Cows getting out.  Have one cow that started walking over to the down bird to check it out.  Hobbled there picked it up decent Jake.  Headed back to truck.  Fall hunting g farms and it's best partner cam down because he tried to see that hand ful of birds and got busted. I showed where I got mine and figured we'll I might as well range find it.  Well boys and girls this is not recommend to do this and my ranging estimate is crap.  51 yards and wait for it.  That is with a .410.  Yup TSS 9 shot.  Went back to park in front cleaned my gutted and actually processed him right there.  Snowing falling by now.  Guess what those birds are coming back.  My partner walk back to where I shot mine and 20 minutes later he was carrying a Jake back.  This really is typical farm nuisance hunting at it best.  Well going out this morning.  I am not back does not feel good and a long drive home yet but will get my partner back on some birds.  Good luck to you all still out there hunting.

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Russell McDonald
President South Sound NWTF Chapter

Offline Russ McDonald

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Re: Fall Turkey
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2024, 03:14:22 AM »
Quick follow up.   I always get asked about hunting turkeys out here in the NE corner.   My reply is don't be afraid to knock on a farmers door especially cattle farms.   They hate turkeys.   The other thing is local pubs, grocery stores or even the local sporting goods store.

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Russell McDonald
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Re: Fall Turkey
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2024, 09:52:15 AM »
That's funny about north40. I worked GYD for years.
Anyway it put me in collville, right about same time north40 open.
I'd stop there get salt for game cams, reloading supplies.
Me and few other ol boys would stand at the gun counter and BS for
half hour. Showing game cam pics and whatnot.

Congrats on the birds/heck ya!
👏 👍👌
My kid filled his fall tag in September, while we was hiking into a trail cam.


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