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HOUSE BILL 1311 (regarding gray wolves)
« on: January 22, 2025, 10:28:08 AM »
Any thoughts on this House Bill?

State of Washington 69th Legislature 2025 Regular Session
By Representatives Engell, Dye, Rude, Waters, Abell, Schmick, and

Read first time 01/15/25. Referred to Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources.

AN ACT Relating to the implementation of the recommendations of
the department of fish and wildlife regarding the gray wolf;
amending RCW 77.12.020; and creating new sections.


NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that the wolf
population has grown steadily for 14 consecutive years since the
first pack was confirmed in 2008. The northeast and southeast
Washington habitat has mostly been occupied by wolves and as such,
they are increasing their presence in the north and central Cascades
and making an appearance in the south Cascades. State law currently
requires a species to be likely to become an endangered species
within the foreseeable future in order for the regulatory status of
"threatened" to apply. The legislature finds that this definition
does not fit the situation of the wolves at the effective date of
this section. The legislature finds that "sensitive" species
designation is the more appropriate regulatory status for wolves. The
legislature finds that the "sensitive" status will protect wolves
from unlawful take and harassment as well as preclude hunting because
regulatory classification as a "sensitive" species requires
cooperative management and removal of threats. The legislature also
finds that this status must be reviewed in two years from the
effective date of this section.

Sec. 2. RCW 77.12.020 and 2014 c 202 s 302 are each amended to
read as follows:

(1) The director shall investigate the habits and distribution of
the various species of wildlife native to or adaptable to the
habitats of the state. The commission shall determine whether a
species should be managed by the department and, if so, classify it
under this section.

(2) The commission may classify by rule wild animals as game
animals and game animals as fur-bearing animals.11

(3) The commission may classify by rule wild birds as game birds
or predatory birds. All wild birds not otherwise classified are
protected wildlife.

(4) In addition to those species listed in RCW 77.08.020, the
commission may classify by rule as game fish other species of the
class Osteichthyes that are commonly found in fresh water except
those classified as food fish by the director.18

(5) The director may recommend to the commission that a species
of wildlife should not be hunted or fished. The commission may
designate species of wildlife as protected.21

(6) If the director determines that a species of wildlife is
seriously threatened with extinction in the state of Washington, the
director may request its designation as an endangered species.
(The) Except as provided in section 3 of this act, the commission
may designate an endangered species.26

(7) If the director determines that a species of the animal
kingdom, not native to Washington, is dangerous to the environment or
wildlife of the state, the director may request its designation as
deleterious exotic wildlife. The commission may designate deleterious
exotic wildlife.

8 Upon recommendation by the director, the commission may
develop a work plan to eradicate native aquatic species that threaten
human health. Priority shall be given to water bodies that the
department of health has classified as representing a threat to human
health based on the presence of a native aquatic species.

NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. The department of fish and wildlife must
implement the recommendation from the department's periodic status
review published in February 2024, and presented to the fish and
wildlife commission on June 22, 2024, to change the status of the
gray wolf from endangered status to sensitive status. In accordance
with the department of fish and wildlife's recommendation, the
purpose of the change of classification to sensitive status is to
continue to protect the wolves from unlawful take under chapter 77.15
RCW, from malicious and intentional harassment, and from unlawful
hunting, take, or harassment. While under the sensitive status
designation, the department shall administer chapter 77.12 RCW to
prohibit the hunting of wolves and make conservation of the species
and their habitat a priority. Wolves would not be hunted and would
remain on the list of priority habitats and species. The sensitive
species designation must remain until the department of fish and
wildlife's next proposed review. The species must not revert to
endangered unless the population is shown to be vulnerable or
declining below the population count as of the effective date of this

NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. The director of the department of fish and
wildlife must take the necessary steps on the effective date of this
section to ensure that this act is implemented as soon as
--- END ---
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Re: HOUSE BILL 1311 (regarding gray wolves)
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2025, 11:26:16 AM »
Hmmm, I've never read that section before but I certainly don't like a few things. Section 2-6 referencing the commission may designate an endangered species and where section 2-3 says native to or "adaptable" to the state habitat.

You know, cuz the wolves we have are not native to this region. They were trapped in the arctic for their robust size and hardiness compared to true timber wolves.  :dunno:

I hate how they write laws and weasel in statements like that

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Re: HOUSE BILL 1311 (regarding gray wolves)
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2025, 12:05:27 PM »
Well I suppose its a step in the right direction, but falling short of where it needs to be, and how I read it, at least two years out before subject to review again.   

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Re: HOUSE BILL 1311 (regarding gray wolves)
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2025, 12:18:27 PM »
I think they wrote up something that they thought might actually have a slim chance of passing our legislature... Yes, falls short (obviously).  Step in the right direction for sure.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.  That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

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Re: HOUSE BILL 1311 (regarding gray wolves)
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2025, 06:12:13 PM »
Thanks for posting this. It's definitely interesting in a good way as well as troubling.  It's a graphic illustration of how far the agency has slid.  It is in direct response to the dysfunctional and derelict in duty commission.  Their duty is to take an objective view and make a defensible decision around sound management.  They failed during the PSR to listen and acknowledge a conservation victory in recovery.  This is either a horrible precedent of the legislature over reaching and entering into wildlife management or a needed check to balance a rouge commission.

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Re: HOUSE BILL 1311 (regarding gray wolves)
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2025, 08:18:34 PM »
I think they wrote up something that they thought might actually have a slim chance of passing our legislature... Yes, falls short (obviously).  Step in the right direction for sure.

That's my take also.... we need to learn to play by the antis rules.. one bite at a time and this is a step in the right direction.

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Re: HOUSE BILL 1311 (regarding gray wolves)
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2025, 10:22:42 PM »
It would be helpful to know who is proposing this.  My guess is most of you are right - it's a step in the right direction (and probably proposed by a republican), but even with the metered tone I doubt it will pass.


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