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I will respond, but not what you want. I don't use topo maps (or OnX) in advance. I do use satellite imagery (Google Earth) quite a bit. Whenever I am looking at new areas I will use the Google Earth for 90% of my desktop research, and glance at the topo maps.But, to be very honest, I rely a lot more on what I find when I actually get to the proposed area. My desktop scouting is really limited to finding 3 or 4 places to go, and then I do the actual scouting when I get there.
I started a topic last year about e-scouting onx.Basically same as you. It bombed pretty hard,a lot of guys don't like to talk about it. So I won't say too much ,as to not cause any hurt feelings.Back to the basics.FoodWater Cover.
Topo is a good start but it won稚 get you what you want. It needs to be put together with satellite to look for cover, food & water. I use Topo to get a lay of the land and most Topo maps show water. I値l mark them on my OnX or BaseMap. But, you eventually have to get feet on the ground. If the hunting area is a long ways from home, I値l get there a couple days early & hike around to all the points I marked. Some water sources, like springs, have gone dry, so delete them from the map. Some are wet in the spring but dry in the fall so delete them, too. Even as I知 hunting, I still do this process. Hope this is helpful.
I like It let's you view topo and satellite (or other maps) side by side. Someone posted a link on here years ago and I've been using it since.