7 of the 16 rams from the Titan Outdoors ‘Lil’ Titans Hunt for the Future’ 2024 season.
This 501c3 program chooses 16-18 youth ages 9-15 every year to attend an all paid hunt with their family in Madras Oregon to hunt wild exotic rams. Criteria is within the age group, youth that have never harvested a big game animal, youth having a tough time in life or physical/health disability, or youth that want to hunt but don’t know how to start. Youth then learn to skin, gut, process, and turn their meat into breakfast sausage over the duration of the 3 day event which includes other events such as getting their Hunter Education certification, shooting classes, and scavenger hunts with catered meals every evening at the campground by a professional bbq outfit. The location is remote with no cell service so kids remain off devices during the event and get to be just kids. Each winner of the hunt is given items donated by local business which includes a backpack with vortex binos, full set of new camo clothes and hat, a hunting knife and more. This is our 11th year with over 110 through the program. Rams are taken back and mounted up and presented to the youth at the annual fundraiser banquet in Tillamook, Oregon in January.
HUGE thank you to Tejay at Trapline Taxidermy and Dave at Lifetime Wildlifep Studio for also completing mounts for this program!
Youth for the 2025 have just been selected for the 2025 camp, but if you have interest get a hold of me for info on future camps.