14th Annual "ICEMAN MEMORIAL"- 2024 YOUTH TURKEY HUNT CONTEST (Enter by 11:59PM March 14)There will be TWO YOUTH WINNERS, each winner will get the following package! EACH PACKAGE APROX VALUE $1700.00(the following items will be split between the winners)
1. (2) Guided 2-Day Youth Turkey Hunts for one bird, with lodging and meals for the child and a parent or guardian.
($1350 each)
https://bearpawoutfitters.com/washington_turkey_hunting.html 2. (1) Savage Compact Camo 12 Gauge Shotgun & Turkey Choke Tube (valued at $300)
3. (1) Box of Winchester Supreme Turkey Loads and (4) Boxes 12 gauge field/target loads (valued at $60)
4. (2) Boxes of TSS .410 Cartridges and (2) boxes ,410 field/target loads (valued at $80)
5. (1) Compact Hunting Blind, a bag full of numerous calls, ear muffs, folding knife, and a backpack (valued at $290)
Other items will be added if/when donated.
ADDITIONAL DONATIONS BY: (Donors will be listed here.)***bob33, wadu1, Karl Blanchard, cem3434, Wingin it
HUNT DETAILS: - Bearpaw will send driving directions and additional info for the hunt
- The Hunt will be two days scheduled between April 1-7 (the Spring Youth Hunt)
- Lodging and meals are provided by bearpaw for each youth and their parent or guardian
- Must arrive by 5pm the evening before the hunt, can stay until the morning after the hunt
- At 5:30 PM the evening before the hunt the youth hunters will shoot at targets
- Bearpaw Outfitters can provide certain items for the hunt if needed
- Bearpaw Outfitters prefer to do any calling when hunting
- One bearded turkey may be taken by each winner
CONTEST RULES: - Must be under 16 years of age at time of license purchase (WDFW "Youth Hunter" requirement)
- Any H-W member may enter any youth who meets license requirements and has parent/guardian approval
- Any H-W member may enter more than one youth hunter
- Youth members may enter themselves provided they have parent/guardian approval
- Must arrive at Bearpaw Outfitters near Colville, WA by 5 PM the evening before the hunt
- Hunt dates will be scheduled between April 1-7, 2023 "the Spring Youth Turkey Hunt"
- Do not enter the contest if dates and times don't work for you
- Winner must be accompanied by parent or an adult guardian with written parental approval
- By participating you are agreeing to allow promotional use of any photos/video
- By participating the youth hunter is agreeing to post "a follow up story" on the forum
- Winner will need to share email and phone information
- Contest is open for entries until 11:59 PM, March 14, 2023
- A number generator will be used to obtain a random 4 digit number
- The two entries with the number closest without going over are the winners
- If more than two entries have a winning number, the two participant(s) who entered first win
- Contest entries must include: Youth's first name, age, and a four digit number between 0000-9999
- EXAMPLE ENTRY: John / age 14 / 5555
"As long as the child has parent/guardian permission, can hold up the gun, hit a target, and has hunter education or a deferral, they can be entered in the contest!"
Good Luck To All!(photos from previous youth hunts)