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A 1X scope would really help my old eyes. It's frustrating trying to shoot iron sights these days. In my case, what was easy to see 19 years ago is now a blur. I simply cant foxis on sights AND target. I get both sides, but in my case I'd put a 1X scooe on asap when legal.
A 1X scope would really help my old eyes. It's frustrating trying to shoot iron sights these days. In my case, what was easy to see 10 years ago is now a blur. I simply cant focus on sights AND target. I get both sides, but in my case I'd put a 1X scope on asap when legal.
But who makes a 1x scope that does not have any electronics in it? I do not see much.
And people in Washington wonder why our seasons suck, and the game is dwindling.