As many of you know, (from my sharing on other threads), I work in full-time ministry with a Christian non-profit organization. I've served in ministry for 27 years (13 years as a pastor and 14 years now, as a missionary associate) working mainly on behalf of families (in youth ministry and international orphan care).
Today, my work as an associate with an organization called the Paraclete Mission Group is mostly comprised with walking alongside pastors, missionaries, ministry leaders, and their families to encourage them, coach, consult, and invest in their professional and personal lives. Much of what I do is built around giving them opportunities to rest, relax, recharge their "batteries" as they serve others and care for people who are often suffering or struggling with life's challenges.
So, one of the things I love to do is provide mentor hunts, mentor fishing trips, or send them on getaways to restore themselves.
The HUNT-WA members have been amazing people who have been investing in my work over the last 2-3 years, donating both hunting and fishing gear to my cause so that I can re-invest in ministry leaders. When you invest in a pastor, his kids, and marriage - you invest in the whole community around you because they're often the first ones to respond when crisis hits and will do whatever they can to comfort and care for the needs of others.
So, this thread is going to be a place for me to brag on you HUNT-WA and the fishing donations you've made to allow me to take pastors, missionaries, ministry leaders, and their families fishing. I have another thread dedicated to hunting trips and donations for that too (read about it here:,260522.0.html).
First Time Fishers
Kitsap County, June 5: I had the wonderful opportunity to take a pastor and his two sons out on a fishing trip to a nearby lake. Thanks to the folks on this forum, we were able to outfit the boys with a tackle box and all kinds of tackle. As well, someone made a very nice financial donation allowing us to purchase 3 brand new rods and reels for the father/son group to use and take home. The boys were stoked.
One of the boys, when asked "what kind of fishing intrigues you the most?" answered, "all these amazing things in these tackle do we use them and when?!" Their eyes widened when they realized that someone donated all the gear.
My youngest son, Nate (15), came with us and became the resident naturalist, fishing guru, and netting master. He explained the variety of knots used to tie on hooks, showed the boys how to set up various rigging, explained the importance of depth and water temperature, and helped them learn how to remove a hook from a fish's mouth. He was my right-hand man.
Over the course of 4 hours, the kids and dad successfully brought in nearly 40 fish (bluegill, perch, sunfish, bass, and trout) through various means. And in the end, after a lot of laughs, smiles, and high fives, the boys said to their dad "we ought to go fishing more often!"
As we packed up the boat, piled into the truck, and headed down the road, the boys laughed and joked about all that had gone on. Who caught the largest fish. Who caught the smallest. Who caught the most. Who barely caught any (me). Then, one spoke up and asked another question.
"Nate, what's the biggest fish you've ever caught?" Levi asked Nate.
I looked in the rear view mirror to see him mulling it over. He's caught a lot of fish in the last 12 years, heck, he's always put fish in the boat when on the water together. But I knew which one he would share... one that wouldn't have happened without a Hunt-WA member getting involved in his life.
Nate spoke up, "A white sturgeon on the Columbia River. It was over 7' long and weighed easily over 100 lbs. It truly was a beast." Levi was amazed.
Zach jumped in, "How long did it take to reel in?"
"Well over an hour... my arms were exhausted. But man, what a rush! I was only 13 years old, but I'm totally hooked." (What a memory, thanks to M.W. on this forum, who helped us back then get to where we are now. It's our turn to pay it forward and help others too.)
After a few pictures by the boat, Nate and I pulled out of their driveway and headed home for dinner. It was time to clean some fish, unpack the boat, and tell some stories. What a great adventure. One we hope to do over and over again.
Fishin' with first timer pastors and their kids is something I hope will catch on. Take your pastor out on the water. Invest in his family. Teach him something new, make him a hero to his sons and daughters, and release the cares that they carry... and the community around them will flourish.