Scouting Trip 1 update on Page 5 of thread
God is good!!!

I'm absolutely in shock, but after more than a decade of applying for the raffle (more than two decades of applying in standard draw), I finally got the call yesterday that I'm the lucky tag holder of the 2021 Washington state mountain goat raffle ticket!
Ever since my dad took me backpacking into the Mt Baker wilderness when I was 8 years old to go look for mountain goats, it has been a dream of mine to get to hunt them in my backyard in the Mt Baker wilderness. I've always wanted the opportunity to hunt goats in WA and long ago started saving for the governor tag in hopes of someday purchasing it. But in the last 5-6 years, the cost of the governor tag has increased from $8k-$10k to $25k - $30k+ which was just way too expensive. When that happened, I decided to use my budget each year on raffle tickets and after years of doing so, it finally paid off!
Mt Baker goat country in my opinion offers some of the prettiest country in the world and I can't wait to spend my time there this fall!
Needless to say, all my hunting plans I had for the year have been thrown out. I plan to devote 100% of my fall to goat hunting in WA in hopes of getting a goat that does the state and the units justice. I'll hunt deer/bear along the way in order to feel fill the freezer but my focus will be on finding a Booner billy, hopefully with my bow! I've spent years in this unit, always with the hope in the back of my mind that I'd some day have a tag of my own, it truly is surreal that it is finally happening. I know the genetic potential in this unit and fully intend to do this tag justice along the way.

I will definitely be photographing/videoing this entire hunt. As time allows I hope to put together videos semi-live videos of each portion of the hunt to keep you all updated on my plans. With that said, probably the best place to stay up to date on my progress would be my Instragram page which is @lonegoatmedia
As stated earlier, my goal for this hunt is a Booner billy with my bow. With that said, I have a strong preference to shoot a goat in the snow and late in the season if possible. So I'll be hunting plenty in September and October with a bow in hand while also keeping my eye out for deer/bear to fill my freezer. If I see a goat that I feel is a true monster, then I'll absolutely consider going after it. Once November rolls around I'll start to get more serious about a goat. Still with the efforts of shooting a Booner with my bow. I'm very familiar with where these goats hang out come December and have absolutely no qualms about shooting a respectable billy with my rifle late in the year with a beautiful December coat. I refuse to let any pressure get to me on this hunt. This tag has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember and I fully intend to enjoy every minute of the experience.
I definitely look forward to keeping you all looped in on the progress as the hunt progresses. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll answer as best I can.