Free: Contests & Raffles.
Sorry your hunt has been thwarted a bit Ryan PSome opinions on this thread blow me away, but then again my opinion of outlawing trailcams and baiting probably would really fire up the masses. LOL IF thats what Kansas did then good for them. Its getting to a point I need to make sure I have my hair done and make up on for the photoshoot I am about to get when I go for a hike these days anywhere near civilization. If you really want to see something, go to NM or AZ and you might find 30 trailcams or more on a single water hole.
Some opinions on this thread blow me away, but then again my opinion of outlawing trailcams and baiting probably would really fire up the masses. LOL IF thats what Kansas did then good for them. Its getting to a point I need to make sure I have my hair done and make up on for the photoshoot I am about to get when I go for a hike these days anywhere near civilization. If you really want to see something, go to NM or AZ and you might find 30 trailcams or more on a single water hole.