What do you all do with your animals shank meat??
- Way to many tendons to do anything with.....toss it.
3 (3.6%)
- Way to many tendons....hack it for an hour and put 1/2lb of meat in burger.
11 (13.1%)
- Tendons...what tendons??.....grind it into burger, know on will notice.
29 (34.5%)
- Shank meat is prized by me and is ranked next to tenderloin.
28 (33.3%)
- other....please explain in the comments.
13 (15.5%)
Total Members Voted: 84
Voting closed: January 03, 2024, 12:51:42 PM
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Topic: Shank meat....what do you do with it?? (Read 11764 times)
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