Weird season for me this year. Still very quiet, but are starting to bugle a for 1 hour and as soon as the sunrises, they are done.
Also, this AM we snuck up on a herd of 8-10, all bulls (crazy to still be in bachelor group) One decent 6x came to my very soft cow calling, 2 more in same class just stood and watched from 120yards, the rest just slowly filtered off into the heavier timber.
On another weird note, I tried 1 bugle at the 1st bull, (The cow calls originally didn't even make him raise his head from feeding) the bugle got his attention, and he started coming in to find us. After closing the gap between us from 100 to 50yds. he let out the quietest bugle I have ever heard, it was barely even able to be heard, not the normal for my 40 years of hearing them. Just weird.