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Have any of you guys had any issues shooting 200 or 220 grain Underwood’s out of your G20? My G20 would jam every 3rd or 4th round with those bullets so I switched to Underwood 140 grain extreme penetrators. My gun likes them much better.
My G20, 10mm with Underwood 200gr cast bullets (ie bear rounds) is always carried while hunting, archery a& rifle seasons.But when going back in to pack out meat in bear country, it's my Rem-1100 short 20" bbl, w/out plug, 1st 2 rounds are 000-buck, then 3 slugs.40 years ago, while fishing Alaska's Russian river for reds, talked to 2 rangers in the parking area. Both had Rem 870-pump shotguns, short barrels, slung over their shoulders and loaded with 000 buckshot.North Central WA state soon to become bear country for GRIZZ
Why no love for the S&W 327 in 357 magnum and moon clips and all the love of 10mm Autos when bear gun and cartridges are discussed? Same energy or a little more than 10mm, 8 shots with fast reloads, and more reliability for no jams. About the same weight with the trr8 and very accurate. Jerry Miculek demonstrates it can be very fast and accurate. Autos are not faster than he is with the 327.Of course if I carry for bears it is a single action 44 magnum as it is what I have. UL it is not.