Yep, there’s some absolute monsters up there. As some know that’s where my great grandma grew up until she was around 14 or so. She used to tell us stories of when she was a kid going to neighboring ranches of relatives or friends for holidays or get togethers. There would be huge racks hanging on everyone’s fence lines just left out in the weather after cutting them off the skulls. She said her dad had dozens hanging on their fence that were in the 30 inch range(give or take). She said that sometimes it would be months if not a year or so between going to some of the neighboring ranches to visit so it was always a treat to see new racks hanging on the fences. This was back in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. She eventually ended up in Haystack Nebraska where she met my great grandpa, they eventually moved west and settled in Bellingham/Kodiak.