GMU 111 - Alladin - 1 wolf - 2005, I saw a big white one just east of smackout pass on the Ione side.
GMU 111 - Alladin - 4 or 5 - Winter 09/10 and 10/11 tracks of 4 or 5 wolves traveling together seen many times, Meadow Cr & Smackout.
GMU 111 - Alladin - 2 adults - Winter 2009 & 2010 tracks of 2 adult wolves traveling together seen many times near Ione.
GMU 111 - Alladin - 1 wolf - July 8, 2011, A large male less than 80 yards from the back of the ranch house on a small hill top.
GMU 111 - Alladin - 1 wolf - Aug 10, 2011, We stood eye balling each other for up to 2 minutes before he turned and trotted off.
GMU 111 - Alladin - 1 wolf - Aug 30, 2011, Saw the large male wolf behind the house, have concerns as I have 5 labs here.
GMU 111 - Hooknose Mtn - 5 wolves - Sept 2011, Fresh tracks in the mud, very remote area near Hooknose Mtn, at least 2 adults and 3 pups.
GMU 111 - Smackout - 4 to 5 - Sept 7 to 13, 2011, Camped near Smackout Meadow, heard wolves howl daily in mornings & late evenings.
GMU 111 - Smackout - 3 wolves - Sept 8, 2011, Saw three black wolves feeding on a dead cow in the lower Smackout Meadow.
GMU 111 - Smackout - 3 wolves - Sept 9, 2011, (about 7 a.m.) 3 people saw 3 black wolves running along far edge of lower Smackout Mdw.
GMU 111 - Smackout - 4 wolves - Sept 11, 2011, (about 8 a.m.) 2 people saw 4 black wolves feeding on the dead cow in Smackout Meadow.
GMU 111 - Meadow Lake - 1 wolf - Oct, 2011, A trailcam photo posted of a wolf near Meadow Lake in October, 2011.
GMU 111 - Dominion Area - 5 wolves - July, 2011, 5 adults attacked dogs in a kennel in a back yard, shots fired to avert the attack. Prouty Loop.
GMU 111 - Dominion Area - 5 wolves - Summer 2011, landowner reported seeing 5 adult wolves near his home just east of Colville near Hwy 20.
GMU 111 - Frisco Road - 1 or more - November 2011, Hunter heard howls in Frisco (Cedar creek).
GMU 111 - Smackout - 2 wolves - Jan 28, 2012, Fresh tracks chasing a moose 2 miles on Paradise, cornered moose once, left road following.
GMU 111 - Dominion Area - 2 wolves - Jan 29, 2012, trapper found tracks of 2 wolves on Dominion Mtn, photo of tracks posted.
GMU 113 - Baldy Mtn - 6 or more - Oct 2011, Hunter posted video recording of wolves howling, sounded like 6 or 7 wolves.
GMU 117 - LPO Refuge - 5 adults - Dec 11, 2011, Watched for minutes, LPO river, refuge headquarters, some gray, some brown. Dominion?
GMU 117 - Chewelah CR - 4 to 6 - Winter 2010, tracks seen numerous locations including a bull elk kill, seen tracks myself for years in area.
GMU 121 - Huckleberry - 1 wolf - Oct 17, 2011, Heard wolf howling near the summit, recorded on cell phone, posted on KREM2 News website.
GMU 121 - Huckleberry - 1 wolf - Oct 3, 2011, Saw 1 very large black wolf cross the Hunters/Springdale road, near summit on Hunters side.
GMU 121 - Huckleberry - 2 wolves - Oct 4, 2011, Tracks on Hunters/Springdale summit last weekend, at least two wolves running together.
GMU 121 - Huckleberry - 1 wolf - April 2008, the east side of Mt. Empey, 3 of us saw a Lone gray/dirty white colored wolf, about 100 yards.
GMU 124 - Little Spokane - 2 wolves - Sept 11, 2011, Saw and photographed (with phone) 2 wolves chasing turkeys on Rattlesnake Ridge.
GMU 124 - Little Spokane - 2 wolves - Nov 23, 2011, Saw 2 wolves chasing turkeys on 32 acres of private ground near St Georges.
GMU 124 - Mt Spokane - 1 or more - Several people reporting sightings south of Newport near the Idaho border in this unit.
GMU 124 - Mt Spokane - 1 or more - Local resident living south of Newport right on the Idaho line has heard wolves howling for the last 3 years.
GMU 127 - Mica Peak - 3 wolves - Dec 14, 2011, 3 wolves seen and photo taken of track and posted in this topic.
GMU 127 - Mica Peak - 2 wolves - Nov 4, 2011, Seen in Rock Cr south of Freeman, didn't report, WDFW didn't believe previous sighting.
GMU 127 - Mica Peak - 1 or more - Sept 2011, wolf scat found and sightings by numerous people, IEP gate keeper has also heard howling.
GMU 130 - Cheney - 1 wolf - 2007 Late fall, One wolf spotted 26 miles west of spokane while hunting the late archery season.
GMU 130 - Cheney - 2 wolves - Nov 5, 2011, One black and one gray seen on turnbull refuge by a very experienced hunter.
GMU 133 - Roosevelt - 1 or more - June to Oct 2011, several sightings of 1 or more wolves near Davenport by several people, photos tracks.
GMU 133 - more info coming
GMU 139 - Steptoe - 1 wolf - Nov 5, 2011, Three hunters followed one lone wolf track that appeared to be hunting deer north of Colfax.
GMU 157 - more info coming
GMU 162 - Dayton - 5 wolves - Oct 15, 2011, large black wolf seen by hunter at 50 yards near Robinette Mountain
GMU 162 - Dayton - 1 wolf - Oct 4, 2010, 1 black wolf on trailcam near Griffin Peak. Photo posted in this topic.
GMU 162 - Dayton - 1 wolf - October 24 or 25, 2009, after dark, 1 dark colored wolf crossed the road in front of us near Griffin Peak.
GMU 166 - Tucannon - 2 wolves - 2009, Driving road & 5 elk busted across the road, soon 2 wolves cross the road in front of me.
GMU 166 - Tucannon - 2 wolves - 2009, Fall, the middle of the night we were awoke by a lone howl from the end of the ridge we camped on.
GMU 166 - Tucannon - 2 or more - Oct 17, 2011, Heard wolves two nights in a row off the panjab trail, near Elk Flat, 1 mile from the burn.
GMU 166 - Tucannon - 2 or more - Oct 18, 2011, Heard wolves two nights in a row off the panjab trail, near Teal ridge.
GMU 169 - Wenaha - 1 wolf - Oct 2009, Heard howling, photos of tracks in same area as the howling. Reply #12, picture #1.
GMU 169 - Wenaha - 1 wolf - Apr 2009, Found tracks in southeast, photo of track in Reply #12, picture #2.
GMU 175 - Lick Creek - 1 wolf - May 20, 2011, Hunter followed 4.5 inch long tracks for a mile near Charlie Cr in Donaldson Gulch (4206 Rd).
GMU 175 - Lick Creek - 3 adults - Oct 18, 19, 20, 2011, Two hunters saw wolves 3 days in a row, 1 gray and 2 black near Charlie Creek.
GMU 175 - Lick Creek - 1 wolf - Sept 23, 2011, near Devil's Tailbone, while calling we saw 1 grey wolf about 200yds away.
GMU 178 - Rickman Gulch - 1 wolf - October 19th, 2011 two hunters spotted a large black wolf off of Rickman Gulch Rd
GMU 204 - Aeneas Valley - 1 wolf - Spotted about 2 1/2 miles up FS-30 rd, OUT OF AENEAS Valley
GMU 204 - E Okanogan - 3 wolves - Nov 17 or 18, 2010, Saw 3 wolves, coyotes had them surrounded and harassing them.
GMU 204 - E Okanogan - 1 wolf - Sept, 2011, Saw first wolf yesterday, talked to border patrol, said they've been seeing and hearing them.
GMU 204 - Toroda Area - 4 wolves - 2010, Winter, Group of 4 seen north of Waucanda west of Republic.
GMU 204 - Toroda Area - 3 or 4 - 2010, Winter, Tracks from 3 or 4 seen near the state highway west of Republic.
GMU 204 - Aeneas Valley - 7 wolves - 2011, Fall, Logger spotted pack of 7 wolves.
GMU 204 - Aeneas Valley - 7 wolves - 2011, Fall, Farmer spotted pack of 7 wolves.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin - 4 or more - Sept 7, 2011, a mile south of blue lake, heard at least 4 howl at first light, could have been as many as 6.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin - 1 wolf - Video sent to the WDFW who claimed it was the lookout pack, unlikely, Lookout pack is too far away.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin - 2 wolves - November 2010. Just a few miles north from Lake Conconully, 2 people watched 2 wolves for 15 minutes.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin - 1 wolf - August 31, 2010
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin - 1 wolf - Aug 31, 2010 Trailcam photo of 1 wolf on Pine Creek, WDFW dismissed as a transient wolf.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin - 1 wolf - Aug 7, 2011 Trailcam photo of 1 wolf on Pine Creek in the same area, strongly suggesting a local wolf.
GMU 218 - Mazama - 1 wolf - 10/17/11 by a hunter who's seen wolves in Idaho watched a single gray wolf, other hunters report 5" tracks.
GMU 218 - Sweet Grass - 1 wolf - 2011 hunters watched wolf 10 min, Sweet Grass Butte north of the tower. Lat-48.697472 Lon-120.322942
GMU 218 - Goat Peak - 1 wolf - Saw tracks up by the Goat Peak Look out trail head. Photo posted here, GPS: 48.651464,-120.401951
GMU 218 - Parachute Mds - 3 wolves - Oct 15, 2011, Three wolves were seen at 150 yards about 8am, one white one was watched with binos.
GMU 224 - Boulder Creek - 3 or more - At least 3 wolves, spotted tracks numerous times, as many as 3 together, reliable report, plus other reports.
GMU 224 - Pearrygin - 1 wolf - Summer 2008, Two hunters saw tracks near the Spur road off of Oriole in GMU 224. Seen tracks in Idaho.
GMU 231 - Wolf Creek - 12 wolves - This is a larger pack with 12 animals (pre litter 2011), report from a person who knows wolves.
GMU 239 - Chilliwist - 5 to 8 - At least 5 wolves, have heard reports of as many as 8, solid report from person who knows wolves.
GMU 239 - Chilliwist - 2 wolves - 2006, 3 mile in Yockey Creek, saw 2 adult wolves (one black, one white) on edge of a meadow for 2 min.
GMU 242 - Alta - 1 or more - March 2011, Found wolves likely of the Lookout pack this winter near the Golden Doe wildlife refuge.
GMU 242 - Alta - 4 wolves - Nov 25, 2011, Hunter saw two gray wolves heading up to lookout mt. close to twisp.
GMU 242 - Alta - 4 wolves - Dec 21, 2011, watched 4 very dark colored wolves laying in a field for over 1 1/2 hours this afternoon.
GMU 242 - Alta - 3 wolves - Dec 21, 2011, saw 3 wolves, all medium color, at least 2 were different than woloves I watched 2 days ago.
GMU 242 - Alta - 5 wolves - Dec 24, 2011, 5 wolves trotted the length of the big field across the river from Carlton.
GMU 244 - Rennie Mtn - 3 or more - Sept 2011, dead buck found at den entrance, 3+ wolves made agressive moves toward hunter, gps, photos.
GMU 245 - Brushy Creek - 3 wolves - Oct 8, 2011, 1 black and 2 gray seen, the Brushy Creek area. There's been numerous sightings in the past.
GMU 335 - Teanaway - 3 wolves - Nov 18, 2011, Saw 3 on I 90 on the way to the Entiat, just a few miles before Easton. Not a yoty
GMU 335 - Teanaway - 13 wolves - 2011, Hunt-WA member reports 13 wolves, pups and adults seen together in one pack.
GMU 335 - Teanaway - 3 wolves - 2011, While elk hunting 3 wolves seen for SURE in Carlson Canyon.
GMU 335 - Teanaway - 1 wolf - Sept 7, 2011, Posted trailcam pic in another topic of 1 wolf in the teanaway, reported to WDFW.
GMU 335 - Teanaway - numerous - 2011, tracks seen in Musser, Mills, Blue, Indian, Middle, and Iron Creek, Yellow Hill, Red Top, Swauk Prarie.
GMU 335 - Teanaway - 2 wolves - Dec 25, 2011, Two wolves spotted in Watt canyon.
GMU 335 - Teanaway - 2 adults - Jan 17, 2012, Two sets of adult wolf tracks, 1 set of tracks was spotting blood in snow, likely female in heat.
GMU 336 - Taneum - 3 or more - 2010, up on Elk Heights, we heard 3+ and saw two at about 300 yards, too big and dark for 'yotes.
GMU 343 - Lake Chelan - 1 wolf - Hunter watched a single wolf through his spotting scope above Lake Chelan.
GMU 346 - Little Naches - 2 wolves - 1996, I took pictures of two wolves in the Little Naches area off of the 1902 road.
GMU 352 - Nile - 2 or more - 2010, Solid sighting, knowledgeable hunter tracked 2 wolves for considerable distance.
GMU 352 - Nile - 1 wolf - 2009, Clover Springs, windy ridge, just after the trail to Flat Iron Lk. Saw tracks in photo. (Reply #39)
GMU 356 - Bumping - 1 wolf - Solid sighting in 2010 in Robinson, by knowledgeable hunter who tracked a single wolf.
GMU 368 - Eagles Nest - 1 wolf - Sighting of 1 black wolf by two hunters, large tracks seen where wolf was spotted and elk were running.
GMU 418 - Nooksack - 8 wolves - Photos, see Reply #43 (may be hybrids, WDFW should priortize confirmation and remove if they are hybrids)
GMU 418 - Nooksack - 1 or more - July 24, 2011, late evening, walked old loggin road 3-4 miles, heard howls, saw tracks, photo, Reply #41.
GMU 426 - Diablo - 2 wolves - Several sightings near Washington Pass, 2 seen there, 2 years ago, was just west of the pass.
GMU 450 - Glacier Wldrns - 1 wolf - Oct 2011, Photos of a single wolf tracks 18 miles in from the nearest road up the Suiattle River drainage.
GMU 505 - Mossyrock - 1 wolf - Dec 31, 2011, Spotted 1 wolf black with lighter side, in south GMU 505. Trailcams set up to try for pics.
GMU 516 - Packwood - 1 or more - Dec 2011, Was Chrismas tree hunting and ran across a bunch of what appeared to be wolf tracks.
GMU 516 - Packwood - 1 wolf - 1997, Sighting in July, tracks found in Sept 1997.
GMU 516 - Packwood - 2 wolves - Nov 10, 2010, Two sets of tracks chasing elk near Goat Ridge and saw 1 gray wolf eating on an elk carcasse.
GMU 522 - Boundary Trail - 1 wolf - 9/18/2011 Photo of fresh tracks, 1/4 mile from Snow lake, Cold water trail 211 (boundary GMU 522/524
GMU 524 - Mudflow Area - 5 wolves - June 26, 2011, 5 wolves howling at 5:30 am, they were at the 34 mile marker up the Spirit Lake HWY
GMU 560 - Lewis River - 1 wolf - Sighting by two hunters on the north side of Mount Adams just west of the crest.
GMU 560 - Lewis River - 1 wolf - Nov 1, 2011, Black/grey wolf followed 2 hunters above Kalama horse camp, photo of track bigger than a fist.
GMU 560 - Lewis River - 1 wolf - Nov 9, 2011, Two Hunters watched large grey feeding on the gutpile of a deer they killed the day before.
GMU 572 - Siouxon - 1 wolf - Nov 14, 2011, Hiking (in snow) 5 miles off the PCT, wolf tracks, 4 fingers wide by 5 fingers long, long stride.
GMU 572 - Siouxon - 1 or more - 2011, Fall, A bow hunter heard wolves hwling from his camp near the PCT.
GMU 673 - Williams Creek - 2 wolves - Oct 20, 2011, One black and one grey, 7:05am, exact location, 2200 road just off the main hwy 101 South.
GMU 673 - Williams Creek - 1 wolf - 1994, Saw 1 large grey standing broadside. He was clearly a wolf, as he was less than 30 yards from us.
Additional Wolf Sightings (GMU was not specified, please advise if you know which GMU these sightings occured)

- Chewelah - 1 or more - Sept 2011, wolf tracks 6-8 miles south of chewelah on two different outings while elk hunting.

- Chewelah - several - Sept 6, 2011, heard a pack howling while packing a bull elk out south of Chewelah.

- Soap Lake - 2 wolves - Nov 2011, Watched a pair in the Soap lake area.

- Soap Lake - 2 wolves - Howling wolves spooked some deer we were stalking, this was 5 miles from the other sighting.