

Author Topic: Report Wolf Sightings Here - Hunting-Washington Wolf Count 158+  (Read 673621 times)

Offline bearpaw

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Report Wolf Sightings Here
Every wolf sighting is important to help get wolves delisted in Washington. Please report any tracks, howling, dead wolves, hair samples, photos, audio or video, game kills, livestock predation, or sightings of wolves.

Please Understand: We must keep the WDFW accountable for wolf sightings, so here's the steps to take to keep the WDFW accountable and a list of helpful info to include in your wolf report. Feel free to message me if you wish to remain anonymous about who you are, I will gladly keep your identity confidential and file a report for you to the WDFW and on this forum.

- Report to WDFW: Pinpoint the sighting coordinates here:
- Copy & Paste: Get the Latitude/Longitude coordinates from the WDFW map tool and report them here on the forum.
- When: Approx Date & Year of your sighting.
- Location: County, Game Management Unit, and the closest mountain or drainage.
- How Many: Report how many Wolves/Pups were inviolved in your sighting.
- Photos: Any photos or recordings are very helpful. Remember to lay something on the ground next to tracks for size comparison.
- Helpful Info: Note any details and explain why you think what you saw or heard was wolves.
- Accuracy: Be as factual as possible.
- Wildlife Commission: Copy the report you make here on the forum and send it to the wildlife commission:

Any info you can offer is important and will help get wolves delisted in Washington. Feel free to message me if you would like to remain anonymous.

WDFW Wolf Count   (27 Wolves)
GMU 111 - Smackout Pack - 5 wolves  - Stevens and Pend Oreille counties, including a successful breeding pair with three pups. None have collars.
GMU 113 - Diamond Pack  - 10 wolves - Pend Oreille County and Idaho, including a breeding pair with at least two pups.
GMU 113 - Salmo Pack       - 3 wolves  - Pend Oreille County and British Columbia, includes three wolves. One wolf with a VHF radio collar.
GMU 242 - Lookout Pack    - 2 wolves  - Okanogan County, includes two wolves with no pups; neither has a functioning radio collar.
GMU 335 - Teanaway Pack - 7 wolves  - Kittitas County, numbers seven wolves, including breeding pair with at least two pups. Female is collared.
More information on the packs and summaries of the 2011 count is available at:

Hunting-Washington Minimum Wolf Count  (158+  Wolves)   (Includes WDFW Confirmed Wolves and the most likely Citizen Wolf Reports)
This is a minimum estimate of wolves created by combining the WDFW confirmed wolves and the most likely citizen sightings. Numerous wolf sightings which could be the same wolves as other sightings have not been included in this list. Sightings in many areas are supported by photos, video, sound recording, etc.

Spokane Reservation         - 4 or more - Sightings of at least 4 wolves and possibly up to 8 or 10 wolves in area. Photos posted of tracks.
Colville Res Hellsgate         - 3 or more - Hellsgate sightings indicate a new pack forming where the sheep were released this winter, at least 3 wolves.
Colville Reservation           - 6 or more - Sightings suggest at least 6 wolves, up to 15+ and spreading, Photos of 3 posted, Sherman to Nespelem
GMU 101 - San Poil River   - 4 or more - Numerous sightings in San Poil area south of Republic, seen killing deer and seen chasing deer, tracks seen.
GMU 101 - Sherman Crk    - 4 or more - Tracks, howling, sightings, moose kill found,
GMU 101 - Malo Area         - 3 wolves  - Reports of 3 wolves, trail cam photo of 1 wolf.
GMU 101 - Barstow           - 1 wolf       - Feb 2, 2012, 1 gray wolf on trailcam photo near Barstow, Washington. Photo posted in this topic.
GMU 105 - Kelly Hill           - 6 or more - Numerous sightings, 2 adults & 4 pups, pack of 5, other sightings, cattle missing, photos of wolves in 2 areas.
GMU 111 - Smackout Pack - 5 wolves   - Stevens and Pend Oreille counties, WDFW confirmed, successful breeding pair with three pups. No collars.
GMU 111 - Dominion         - 5 adults    - 2011, 3 sightings of 5 wolves near Colville, 2 reports north of Hwy 20, 1 report on LPO in 117, photo tracks.
GMU 113 - Diamond Pack   - 10 wolves - Pend Oreille County and Idaho, including a breeding pair with at least two pups.
GMU 113 - Salmo Pack      - 3 wolves   - Pend Oreille County and British Columbia, includes three wolves. One wolf with a VHF radio collar.
GMU 113 - Cutoff Peak      - 2 or more - Known border pack that moves in and out of Washington
GMU 117 - Chewelah CR    - 4 to 6      - Tracks seen in numerous locations - Elk kill - Wolves in unit for years, numerous sightings, seen tracks myself.
GMU 121 - Huckleberry     - 4 to 10     - Wolves in 2 areas, north around Monumental, and south around Hunters/Springdale, many people reporting.
GMU 124 - Mt Spokane     - 1 or more - Several people reporting sightings south of Newport near the Idaho border in this unit.
GMU 127 - Mica Peak        - 3 or more - Sept, Nov, Dec 2011, wolf scat, sightings of up to 3 wolves, 2 separate reports of howling, photo of tracks.
GMU 130 - Cheney           - 2 wolves   - Nov 5, 2011, one black and one gray seen on Yurnbull Refuge by a very experienced hunter and guide.
GMU 133 - Davenport       - 1 or more - June to Oct 2011, several sightings of 1 or more wolves by more than 1 person, photos of tracks at sighting.
GMU 157 - Mill Creek Pack - 3 or more - Numerous sightings documented by WDFW
GMU 162 - Dayton             -       ?       - Several people reported tracks or saw wolves chasing elk. At least 2 wolves, could be same as #166 & #169.
GMU 166 - Tucannon         - 2 or more - Several reports and game warden confirmed wolf kill. At least 2 wolves, could be same as #162 & #169.
GMU 169 - Wenaha           -        ?       - 1 wolf heard howling, photos of tracks in same area as the howling, could be same as in #162 & #166.
GMU 175 - Charlie Creek   - 3 or more  - October 2011, Sightings on four different days by 3 hunters include at least 1 gray and 2 blacks.
GMU 178 - Rickman Gulch  - 1 wolf      - October 19th, 2011 two hunters spotted a large black wolf off of Rickman Gulch Rd
GMU 204 - Toroda Area     - 7 or more - 2010-2011, Numerous sightings near Waucanda, Republic, and Aeneas Valley, 7 wolves seen together.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin        - 1 or more - Video of one wolf, photos of 1 wolf, report of 4 wolves howling in 2011 suggesting more than one wolf.
GMU 218 - Chewuch          - 3 wolves  - 2011, numerous sightings and tracks seen, 3 wolves seen at 150 yards, 1 white wolf was watched with binos.
GMU 224 - Boulder Creek  - 3 or more - At least 3 wolves, spotted tracks numerous times, as many as 3 together, reliable report, plus other reports.
GMU 231 - Wolf Creek       - 12 wolves - This is a larger pack with 12 animals (pre litter 2011), report from a person who knows wolves.
GMU 239 - Chilliwist           - 5 to 8      - At least 5 wolves, have heard reports of as many as 8, solid report from person who know wolves.
GMU 242 - Lookout Pack    - 6 or more - WDFW confirms 2; in Dec 2010 resident has seen 5 together, has photo of 3, says at least 6 different seen.
GMU 242 - War Creek        - 5 or more - Claimed by WDFW to be Lookout Pack, but War Creek and Lookout packs have been seen simultaneously
GMU 244 - Rennie Mtn       - 3 or more - Sept 2011, dead buck found at den entrance, 3+ wolves made agressive moves toward hunter, gps, photos.
GMU 245 - Brushy Creek   - 3 wolves   - Oct 8, 2011, 1 black and 2 gray seen in the Brushy Creek area. There's been numerous sightings in the past.
GMU 335 - Teanaway Pack - 13 wolves - Kittitas County, WDFW confirms 7 wolves, Hunt-WA member reports 13 wolves, pups & adults seen together.
GMU 352 - Nile                  - 2 or more - Solid sighting, 2010, knowledgeable hunter tracked 2 wolves for considerable distance.
GMU 356 - Bumping          - 1 wolf       - Solid sighting in 2010 in Robinson, by knowledgeable hunter who tracked a single wolf.
GMU 368 - Eagles Nest      - 1 wolf       - Sighting of 1 black wolf by two hunters, large tracks seen where wolf was spotted and elk were running.
GMU 418 - Nooksack         - 8 wolves   - Photos, see Reply #43 (may be hybrids, WDFW should priortize confirmation and remove if they are hybrids)
GMU 450 - Glacier Wilder.  - 1 wolf       - Oct 2011, Photos of a single wolf tracks 18 miles in from nearest road up the Suiattle River drainage.
GMU 505 - Mossyrock        - 1 wolf       - Dec 31, 2011, Spotted 1 wolf black with lighter side, in south GMU 505. Trailcams set up to try for pics.
GMU 516 - Packwood         - 2 wolves   - 2010 & 2011, Numerous sightings of tracks, two sightings of wolves, at least 2 wolves in this area.
GMU 560 - Lewis River       - 1 or more - Fall 2011, A total of six hunters at three different locations report seeing a wolf in the Lewis River GMU.

Individual Wolf Sightings In Washington
Many of these reports include supporting evidence such as gps location, photos, recordings, etc. These sightings support the wolf counts noted above. Because all reports were not included in the count, there is possibly an even greater number of wolves than the minimum noted above.
Spokane Reservation        - 2 to 3      - Dec 19, 2011, Spotted 2-3 sets of wolf tracks on a deer kill.
Spokane Reservation        - 4 or 5      - Dec 19, 2011, Partner spotted 4-5 sets of wolf tracks at a different location.
Spokane Reservation        - 1 wolf      - Nov 16, 2011, Coming out of the woods with a friend and heard a faint couple of howls.
Spokane Reservation        - 1 wolf      - Nov 15, 2011, while taking photo of wolf track, heard 1 wolf howl 8 to 10 times, photo posted here.
Colville Res, Hellsgate       - 3 wolves   - 2011, A new pack establishing in Hellsgate, this year there were 3 working where they moved the sheep.
Colville Res, Nespelem      - 1 or more - Jan 2012, Wolves killed a mule deer doe less than 100 yards from a home. Photos posted in this topic.
Colville Res, San Poil         - 6 or more - 2012, Reports suggest 1 or 2 packs, at least 6 wolves, could be up to 15+.
Colville Res, Hall Creek      - 2 wolves   - Feb 13, 2012, Just heard two wolves the other night up hall creek. Definetly don't sound like yotes at all.
Colville Res, Hall Creek      - 1 wolf       - 2011, Trailcam photo of wolf south of Dollar Mtn on the Colville Reservation.
Colville Reservation           - numerous - 2011, Estimate 12 in the pack, lower Coville Res, I almost got one on film the other day.
Yakima Reservation           - 1 or more - Wolves spotted throughout the reservation from the north to central and south also the west boundary
GMU 101 - San Poil River   - 4 wolves   - December 2010, 4 wolves seen killing whitetail doe on banks of the San Poil River near McMann Creek.
GMU 101 - San Poil River   - 4 wolves   - December 2009 I found 4 sets of fresh wolf tracks in the snow near Quartz Mt.
GMU 101 - San Poil River   - 3 wolves   - February 2008, Spotted 3 wolves on bluff over McMann Creek.
GMU 101 - San Poil River   - 4 wolves   - October 2008, Spotted 4 wolves killing a whitetail buck near Camel Back Mt.  Near Republic.
GMU 101 - San Poil River   - 1 wolf       - 2008 near Swan Lake, almost dark and coyotes were yapping when my wife and I heard a lone wolf howl.
GMU 101 - San Poil River   - 2 wolves   - November 2000, Two hunters spotted 2 wolves on Snow Peak chasing a mule deer doe.
GMU 101 - Sherman Crk    - 3 wolves  - January 2012 moose kill found, fresh tracks:
GMU 101 - Sherman Crk    - 1 wolf       - Oct 25, 2011, 1 black wolf on trailcam near Sherman Pass. Photo posted in this topic.
GMU 101 - Sherman Crk    - 1 wolf       - Oct 18, 2011, 1 gray wolf on trailcam near Sherman Pass. Photo posted in this topic.
GMU 101 - Sherman Crk    - 4 or more - 2011, Several reports from this area of tracks, howling, sightings, with at least 4 at one time.
GMU 101 - Sherman Crk    - 3 wolves  - 2011, Hunter tried to sort out tracks in the Sherman area and believe that pack to be as many as 12 strong.
GMU 101 - Republic           - 1 wolf      - April 2009, one black adult seen from about 70 yards away, north of Republic.
GMU 101 - Republic           - 1 wolf      - Dec 2011, Republic area, photo with a 22-250 in the track which measured about 5 x 4 1/2 inches.
GMU 101 - Malo Area         - 3 wolves   - Summer 2011, 3 seen, photo of 1 wolf.
GMU 101 - Barstow           - 1 wolf       - Feb 2, 2012, 1 gray wolf on trailcam photo near Barstow, Washington. Photo posted in this topic.
GMU 105 - Summit Lake    - 5 wolves   - Jan 2, 2012, trailcam photo of 1 wolf who is member of a pack of 5 wolves. Photo posted.
GMU 105 - Northport         - 1 wolf      - Nov 3, 2011, Trailcam photo of 1 adult wolf near Northport.
GMU 105 - Sheep Creek    - 6 or more - Summer and Fall 2010, Numerous sightings of at least 4 pups and 2 adults all around this area.
GMU 105 - Flat Creek        - 2 or more - Local rancher reports numerous sightings and hearing howling during 2010 and 2011.
GMU 105 - Flat Creek        - 2 wolves   - Local hunter heard 2 wolves howling the weekend of July 3, 2011 near Pierre Lake.
GMU 105 - Kelly Hill           - 2 or more - July 2011, two wolves heard howling.
GMU 105 - Summit Lake    - 4 or more - Sept 2011, well known local hunter, truck broke down and was on foot, surrounded by a howling pack.
GMU 105 - Summit Lake    - 1 wolf       - Sept 17, 2011, 1 black wolf spotted in road by longtime hunter, several sightings and howling in same area.
GMU 108 - Douglas Mt       - 2 wolves   - Summer 2010, 2 wolves seen, reliable report by an individual who helped locate another verified pack.
GMU 108 - Douglas Mt       - 1 wolf       - Summer 2010, 1 wolf seen alone, very reliable report by a person who has seen many wolves in Idaho.
GMU 108 - Rogers Mt         - 1 wolf       - Oct 22, 2011, 1 wolf on trailcam near Rogers Mtn. Photo in this topic.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 03:31:47 PM by bearpaw »
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Offline bearpaw

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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2011, 07:04:33 PM »
GMU 111 - Alladin              - 1 wolf       - 2005, I saw a big white one just east of smackout pass on the Ione side.
GMU 111 - Alladin              - 4 or 5       - Winter 09/10 and 10/11 tracks of 4 or 5 wolves traveling together seen many times, Meadow Cr & Smackout.
GMU 111 - Alladin              - 2 adults    - Winter 2009 & 2010 tracks of 2 adult wolves traveling together seen many times near Ione.
GMU 111 - Alladin              - 1 wolf       - July 8, 2011, A large male less than 80 yards from the back of the ranch house on a small hill top.
GMU 111 - Alladin              - 1 wolf       - Aug 10, 2011, We stood eye balling each other for up to 2 minutes before he turned and trotted off.
GMU 111 - Alladin              - 1 wolf       - Aug 30, 2011, Saw the large male wolf behind the house, have concerns as I have 5 labs here.
GMU 111 - Hooknose Mtn   - 5 wolves   - Sept 2011, Fresh tracks in the mud, very remote area near Hooknose Mtn, at least 2 adults and 3 pups.
GMU 111 - Smackout         - 4 to 5       - Sept 7 to 13, 2011, Camped near Smackout Meadow, heard wolves howl daily in mornings & late evenings.
GMU 111 - Smackout         - 3 wolves   - Sept 8, 2011, Saw three black wolves feeding on a dead cow in the lower Smackout Meadow.
GMU 111 - Smackout         - 3 wolves   - Sept 9, 2011, (about 7 a.m.) 3 people saw 3 black wolves running along far edge of lower Smackout Mdw.
GMU 111 - Smackout         - 4 wolves   - Sept 11, 2011, (about 8 a.m.) 2 people saw 4 black wolves feeding on the dead cow in Smackout Meadow.
GMU 111 - Meadow Lake    - 1 wolf       - Oct, 2011, A trailcam photo posted of a wolf near Meadow Lake in October, 2011.
GMU 111 - Dominion Area  - 5 wolves   - July, 2011, 5 adults attacked dogs in a kennel in a back yard, shots fired to avert the attack. Prouty Loop.
GMU 111 - Dominion Area  - 5 wolves   - Summer 2011, landowner reported seeing 5 adult wolves near his home just east of Colville near Hwy 20.
GMU 111 - Frisco Road      - 1 or more  - November 2011, Hunter heard howls in Frisco (Cedar creek).
GMU 111 - Smackout         - 2 wolves   - Jan 28, 2012, Fresh tracks chasing a moose 2 miles on Paradise, cornered moose once, left road following.
GMU 111 - Dominion Area  - 2 wolves   - Jan 29, 2012, trapper found tracks of 2 wolves on Dominion Mtn, photo of tracks posted.
GMU 113 - Baldy Mtn         - 6 or more - Oct 2011, Hunter posted video recording of wolves howling, sounded like 6 or 7 wolves.
GMU 117 - LPO Refuge      - 5 adults    - Dec 11, 2011, Watched for minutes, LPO river, refuge headquarters, some gray, some brown. Dominion?
GMU 117 - Chewelah CR    - 4 to 6       - Winter 2010, tracks seen numerous locations including a bull elk kill, seen tracks myself for years in area.
GMU 121 - Huckleberry     -  1 wolf      - Oct 17, 2011, Heard wolf howling near the summit, recorded on cell phone, posted on KREM2 News website.
GMU 121 - Huckleberry     -  1 wolf       - Oct 3, 2011, Saw 1 very large black wolf cross the Hunters/Springdale road, near summit on Hunters side.
GMU 121 - Huckleberry     - 2 wolves   - Oct 4, 2011, Tracks on Hunters/Springdale summit last weekend, at least two wolves running together.
GMU 121 - Huckleberry     - 1 wolf       - April 2008, the east side of Mt. Empey, 3 of us saw a Lone gray/dirty white colored wolf, about 100 yards.
GMU 124 - Little Spokane  - 2 wolves   - Sept 11, 2011, Saw and photographed (with phone) 2 wolves chasing turkeys on Rattlesnake Ridge.
GMU 124 - Little Spokane  - 2 wolves   - Nov 23, 2011, Saw 2 wolves chasing turkeys on 32 acres of private ground near St Georges.
GMU 124 - Mt Spokane      - 1 or more  - Several people reporting sightings south of Newport near the Idaho border in this unit.
GMU 124 - Mt Spokane      - 1 or more  - Local resident living south of Newport right on the Idaho line has heard wolves howling for the last 3 years.
GMU 127 - Mica Peak         - 3 wolves   - Dec 14, 2011, 3 wolves seen and photo taken of track and posted in this topic.
GMU 127 - Mica Peak         - 2 wolves   - Nov 4, 2011, Seen in Rock Cr south of Freeman, didn't report, WDFW didn't believe previous sighting.
GMU 127 - Mica Peak         - 1 or more  - Sept 2011, wolf scat found and sightings by numerous people, IEP gate keeper has also heard howling.
GMU 130 - Cheney            - 1 wolf        - 2007 Late fall, One wolf spotted 26 miles west of spokane while hunting the late archery season.
GMU 130 - Cheney            - 2 wolves    - Nov 5, 2011, One black and one gray seen on turnbull refuge by a very experienced hunter.
GMU 133 - Roosevelt         - 1 or more  - June to Oct 2011, several sightings of 1 or more wolves near Davenport by several people, photos tracks.
GMU 133 - more info coming
GMU 139 - Steptoe            - 1 wolf       - Nov 5, 2011, Three hunters followed one lone wolf track that appeared to be hunting deer north of Colfax.
GMU 157 - more info coming
GMU 162 - Dayton            - 5 wolves   - Oct 15, 2011, large black wolf seen by hunter at 50 yards near Robinette Mountain
GMU 162 - Dayton            - 1 wolf       - Oct 4, 2010, 1 black wolf on trailcam near Griffin Peak. Photo posted in this topic.
GMU 162 - Dayton            - 1 wolf       - October 24 or 25, 2009, after dark, 1 dark colored wolf crossed the road in front of us near Griffin Peak.
GMU 166 - Tucannon        - 2 wolves   - 2009, Driving road & 5 elk busted across the road, soon 2 wolves cross the road in front of me.
GMU 166 - Tucannon        - 2 wolves   - 2009, Fall, the middle of the night we were awoke by a lone howl from the end of the ridge we camped on.
GMU 166 - Tucannon        - 2 or more - Oct 17, 2011, Heard wolves two nights in a row off the panjab trail, near Elk Flat, 1 mile from the burn.
GMU 166 - Tucannon        - 2 or more - Oct 18, 2011, Heard wolves two nights in a row off the panjab trail, near Teal ridge.
GMU 169 - Wenaha           - 1 wolf      - Oct 2009, Heard howling, photos of tracks in same area as the howling. Reply #12, picture #1.
GMU 169 - Wenaha           - 1 wolf      - Apr 2009, Found tracks in southeast, photo of track in Reply #12, picture #2.
GMU 175 - Lick Creek       - 1 wolf       - May 20, 2011, Hunter followed 4.5 inch long tracks for a mile near Charlie Cr in Donaldson Gulch (4206 Rd).
GMU 175 - Lick Creek       - 3 adults    - Oct 18, 19, 20, 2011, Two hunters saw wolves 3 days in a row, 1 gray and 2 black near Charlie Creek.
GMU 175 - Lick Creek       - 1 wolf       - Sept 23, 2011, near Devil's Tailbone, while calling we saw 1 grey wolf about 200yds away.
GMU 178 - Rickman Gulch - 1 wolf       - October 19th, 2011 two hunters spotted a large black wolf off of Rickman Gulch Rd
GMU 204 - Aeneas Valley  - 1 wolf       - Spotted about 2 1/2 miles up FS-30 rd, OUT OF AENEAS Valley
GMU 204 - E Okanogan     - 3 wolves   - Nov 17 or 18, 2010, Saw 3 wolves, coyotes had them surrounded and harassing them.
GMU 204 - E Okanogan     - 1 wolf       - Sept, 2011, Saw first wolf yesterday, talked to border patrol, said they've been seeing and hearing them.
GMU 204 - Toroda Area     - 4 wolves   - 2010, Winter, Group of 4 seen north of Waucanda west of Republic.
GMU 204 - Toroda Area     - 3 or 4       - 2010, Winter, Tracks from 3 or 4 seen near the state highway west of Republic.
GMU 204 - Aeneas Valley   - 7 wolves   - 2011, Fall, Logger spotted pack of 7 wolves.
GMU 204 - Aeneas Valley   - 7 wolves   - 2011, Fall, Farmer spotted pack of 7 wolves.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin        - 4 or more - Sept 7, 2011, a mile south of blue lake, heard at least 4 howl at first light, could have been as many as 6.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin        - 1 wolf       - Video sent to the WDFW who claimed it was the lookout pack, unlikely, Lookout pack is too far away.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin        - 2 wolves   - November 2010. Just a few miles north from Lake Conconully, 2 people watched 2 wolves for 15 minutes.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin        - 1 wolf       - August 31, 2010
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin        - 1 wolf      - Aug 31, 2010 Trailcam photo of 1 wolf on Pine Creek, WDFW dismissed as a transient wolf.
GMU 215 - Sinlahekin        - 1 wolf      - Aug 7, 2011 Trailcam photo of 1 wolf on Pine Creek in the same area, strongly suggesting a local wolf.
GMU 218 - Mazama           - 1 wolf      - 10/17/11 by a hunter who's seen wolves in Idaho watched a single gray wolf, other hunters report 5" tracks.
GMU 218 - Sweet Grass     - 1 wolf       - 2011 hunters watched wolf 10 min, Sweet Grass Butte north of the tower. Lat-48.697472 Lon-120.322942
GMU 218 - Goat Peak        - 1 wolf       - Saw tracks up by the Goat Peak Look out trail head. Photo posted here, GPS:  48.651464,-120.401951
GMU 218 - Parachute Mds - 3 wolves   - Oct 15, 2011, Three wolves were seen at 150 yards about 8am, one white one was watched with binos.
GMU 224 - Boulder Creek  - 3 or more - At least 3 wolves, spotted tracks numerous times, as many as 3 together, reliable report, plus other reports.
GMU 224 - Pearrygin         - 1 wolf       - Summer 2008, Two hunters saw tracks near the Spur road off of Oriole in GMU 224. Seen tracks in Idaho.
GMU 231 - Wolf Creek       - 12 wolves - This is a larger pack with 12 animals (pre litter 2011), report from a person who knows wolves.
GMU 239 - Chilliwist          - 5 to 8       - At least 5 wolves, have heard reports of as many as 8, solid report from person who knows wolves.
GMU 239 - Chilliwist          - 2 wolves   - 2006, 3 mile in Yockey Creek, saw 2 adult wolves (one black, one white) on edge of a meadow for 2 min.
GMU 242 - Alta                 - 1 or more - March 2011, Found wolves likely of the Lookout pack this winter near the Golden Doe wildlife refuge.
GMU 242 - Alta                 - 4 wolves  - Nov 25, 2011, Hunter saw two gray wolves heading up to lookout mt. close to twisp.
GMU 242 - Alta                 - 4 wolves  - Dec 21, 2011, watched 4 very dark colored wolves laying in a field for over 1 1/2 hours this afternoon.
GMU 242 - Alta                 - 3 wolves  - Dec 21, 2011, saw 3 wolves, all medium color, at least 2 were different than woloves I watched 2 days ago.
GMU 242 - Alta                 - 5 wolves  - Dec 24, 2011, 5 wolves trotted the length of the big field across the river from Carlton.
GMU 244 - Rennie Mtn      - 3 or more - Sept 2011, dead buck found at den entrance, 3+ wolves made agressive moves toward hunter, gps, photos.
GMU 245 - Brushy Creek   - 3 wolves   - Oct 8, 2011, 1 black and 2 gray seen, the Brushy Creek area. There's been numerous sightings in the past.
GMU 335 - Teanaway        - 3 wolves   - Nov 18, 2011, Saw 3 on I 90 on the way to the Entiat, just a few miles before Easton. Not a yoty
GMU 335 - Teanaway        - 13 wolves - 2011, Hunt-WA member reports 13 wolves, pups and adults seen together in one pack.
GMU 335 - Teanaway        - 3 wolves   - 2011, While elk hunting 3 wolves seen for SURE in Carlson Canyon.
GMU 335 - Teanaway        - 1 wolf      - Sept 7, 2011, Posted trailcam pic in another topic of 1 wolf in the teanaway, reported to WDFW.
GMU 335 - Teanaway        - numerous - 2011, tracks seen in Musser, Mills, Blue, Indian, Middle, and Iron Creek, Yellow Hill, Red Top, Swauk Prarie.
GMU 335 - Teanaway        - 2 wolves   - Dec 25, 2011, Two wolves spotted in Watt canyon.
GMU 335 - Teanaway        - 2 adults    - Jan 17, 2012, Two sets of adult wolf tracks, 1 set of tracks was spotting blood in snow, likely female in heat.
GMU 336 - Taneum           - 3 or more - 2010, up on Elk Heights, we heard 3+ and saw two at about 300 yards, too big and dark for 'yotes.
GMU 343 - Lake Chelan     - 1 wolf      - Hunter watched a single wolf through his spotting scope above Lake Chelan.
GMU 346 - Little Naches   - 2 wolves   - 1996, I took pictures of two wolves in the Little Naches area off of the 1902 road.
GMU 352 - Nile                 - 2 or more - 2010, Solid sighting, knowledgeable hunter tracked 2 wolves for considerable distance.
GMU 352 - Nile                 - 1 wolf      - 2009, Clover Springs, windy ridge, just after the trail to Flat Iron Lk.  Saw tracks in photo. (Reply #39)
GMU 356 - Bumping          - 1 wolf      - Solid sighting in 2010 in Robinson, by knowledgeable hunter who tracked a single wolf.
GMU 368 - Eagles Nest      - 1 wolf      - Sighting of 1 black wolf by two hunters, large tracks seen where wolf was spotted and elk were running.
GMU 418 - Nooksack         - 8 wolves  - Photos, see Reply #43 (may be hybrids, WDFW should priortize confirmation and remove if they are hybrids)
GMU 418 - Nooksack         - 1 or more - July 24, 2011, late evening, walked old loggin road 3-4 miles, heard howls,  saw tracks, photo, Reply #41.
GMU 426 - Diablo             -  2 wolves  - Several sightings near Washington Pass, 2 seen there, 2 years ago, was just west of the pass.
GMU 450 - Glacier Wldrns  - 1 wolf      - Oct 2011, Photos of a single wolf tracks 18 miles in from the nearest road up the Suiattle River drainage.
GMU 505 - Mossyrock       - 1 wolf       - Dec 31, 2011, Spotted 1 wolf black with lighter side, in south GMU 505. Trailcams set up to try for pics.
GMU 516 - Packwood        - 1 or more - Dec 2011, Was Chrismas tree hunting and ran across a bunch of what appeared to be wolf tracks.
GMU 516 - Packwood        - 1 wolf      - 1997, Sighting in July, tracks found in Sept 1997.
GMU 516 - Packwood        - 2 wolves  - Nov 10, 2010, Two sets of tracks chasing elk near Goat Ridge and saw 1 gray wolf eating on an elk carcasse.
GMU 522 - Boundary Trail - 1 wolf      -  9/18/2011 Photo of fresh tracks, 1/4 mile from Snow lake, Cold water trail 211 (boundary GMU 522/524
GMU 524 - Mudflow Area   - 5 wolves  - June 26, 2011, 5 wolves howling at 5:30 am, they were at the 34 mile marker up the Spirit Lake HWY
GMU 560 - Lewis River      - 1 wolf      - Sighting by two hunters on the north side of Mount Adams just west of the crest.
GMU 560 - Lewis River      - 1 wolf      - Nov 1, 2011, Black/grey wolf followed 2 hunters above Kalama horse camp, photo of track bigger than a fist.
GMU 560 - Lewis River      - 1 wolf      - Nov 9, 2011, Two Hunters watched large grey feeding on the gutpile of a deer they killed the day before.
GMU 572 - Siouxon           - 1 wolf      - Nov 14, 2011, Hiking (in snow) 5 miles off the PCT, wolf tracks, 4 fingers wide by 5 fingers long, long stride.
GMU 572 - Siouxon           - 1 or more - 2011, Fall, A bow hunter heard wolves hwling from his camp near the PCT.
GMU 673 - Williams Creek - 2 wolves   - Oct 20, 2011, One black and one grey, 7:05am, exact location, 2200 road just off the main hwy 101 South.
GMU 673 - Williams Creek - 1 wolf       - 1994, Saw 1 large grey standing broadside. He was clearly a wolf, as he was less than 30 yards from us.

Additional Wolf Sightings   (GMU was not specified, please advise if you know which GMU these sightings occured)
GMU ??? - Chewelah         - 1 or more - Sept 2011, wolf tracks 6-8 miles south of chewelah on two different outings while elk hunting.
GMU ??? - Chewelah         - several     - Sept 6, 2011, heard a pack howling while packing a bull elk out south of Chewelah.
GMU ??? - Soap Lake        - 2 wolves   - Nov 2011, Watched a pair in the Soap lake area.
GMU ??? - Soap Lake        - 2 wolves   - Howling wolves spooked some deer we were stalking, this was 5 miles from the other sighting.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 08:21:05 PM by bearpaw »
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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2011, 07:12:53 PM »
Great Idea! We can definetly use this to help pressure the WDFW into confirming these packs a lot faster then they have been. It atleast will make it harder for them to drag their feet...
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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2011, 08:52:26 PM »
The lookoput pack is still present though of reduced numbers in its original location.
There is a new pack on the other side of the river, generalized location East to southeast of the lookout pack. The amount of animals range between 5-8.   
There is another pack seperate from the lookout pack ranging in the wolf creek region, all the way over into Thompson ridge and Bridge creek.   This is often referrred to as the lookout pack, but it is not.  Its between 8-12 animals, is well established and is expanding.
There are some animals ranging out of the Pasayten into the Pearygin region.  These are more migratory during the winter.  I don't have a specific local on these.
There are also several animals ranging in the irongate country.  These MAY be the same and these may be related to the animals that have been reported in the Sinlahekin.   
There are animals in War Creek.  Again these are thought of as "lookoutpack" critters, but they have been spotted in the same place at the same time......unless I collect a DNA sample, at this point, its hard to determine
I tracked a couple in the Nile this last fall.
I tracked one in Robinson near E burg and there were the ones in the Teanaway
There is a pack in the Sanpoil.   It has been sending out individuals into Southern and Eastern regions.
There is a pack in Leclerc Creek.  (probably refered to as the Diamond pack)  It crosses to and from Idaho.
There is a pack in the blues as evidenced by those in the know but unofficially confirmed as far as I know.  I know the biologist monitors this site, so he can man up and post what he knows if he wants.  I Know he knows there are wolves there and that they are NOT just transient
There are unconfirmed sightings in Lincoln county, Baker, Blue Creek and several other locals.  Unconfirmed to me,meaning I haven't seen them or confirmed their tracks myself.   
Scoff all you want.  If someone wants to give me a grant I'd spend my life out there and get all the evidence you'd need.   Its too bad that those on the budget assigned to study these animals, DON'T HAVE A CLUE.

If you are concerned at all about expansion, you can expect more animals in the Mica Peak area soon as Idaho is knocking on the doorstep.

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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2011, 08:55:50 PM »
I also expect animals to show up in the CHelan/Entiat region soon. figure it out.  I spend very little time in this country, so that will be up to someone else.

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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2011, 09:12:35 PM »
Thanks boneaddict, I figured you could provide some good data.  :tup: :tup: :tup:
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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2011, 09:19:57 PM »
Your probably our best resource for finding/exposing new packs.keep up the great work.
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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2011, 09:40:33 PM »
I wish I could get out more.  I guess what is most concerning is that it seems whereever I go, I run into the critters.  I suppose thats becasue I grew up in the Methow and I am usually in the backcountry where they frequent or spend alot of my time in key areas that have been the centers for wolf activity for years.  I'm not a lobbyist, or an alarmist.  Folks can believe what they want. 

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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2011, 10:30:39 PM »
There is a pack in the blues as evidenced by those in the know but unofficially confirmed as far as I know.  I know the biologist monitors this site, so he can man up and post what he knows if he wants.  I Know he knows there are wolves there and that they are NOT just transient

The local game warden investigated and confirmed several wolf kills in the Blues this winter. Personally, I've seen two sets of tracks in two geographic locations over the winter. Also, I think I saw two wolves once this winter but they were too far away to be sure they were wolves and not just big dogs or coyotes. Some locals have trailcam pictures of wolves. They're up there.

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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2011, 06:48:44 AM »
10heiau can you provide the GMU number and drainage that you saw tracks?
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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2011, 07:11:20 AM »
Tracks were in 162. Confirmed wolf kills in 166.

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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2011, 08:18:50 AM »
3 summers ago My dad and I found some tracks near Conconully. The next day we heard from some locals that there had been a wolf spotted on the exact same spur road where we found the tracks (they told us about the sighting and location before we even mentioned finding tracks). It was just one set. It was on a spur road off of Oriole in GMU 224. Yes both my father and I know the difference between Wolf tracks and coyote tracks. We have got to see a lot of wolf tracks since we started hunting Idaho.

GPS coordinates = roughly  48.625541,-119.837097
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 05:50:14 PM by grundy53 »
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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2011, 08:39:17 AM »
1. October 2009. Wenaha East. We hear a solo howl one night. Next day I found these about a mile from camp. 4 1/2"X 3 1/2". (picture 1)
2. April 2009. SE corner. (picture 2)
I am not an expert but I have never seen a coyote track over 4" long and 3" wide.  :dunno:

Bluebulls and I thought we saw a black and a grey 2 years ago in the Blues. We could not be sure though.

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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2011, 09:14:20 AM »
There is a pack in the blues as evidenced by those in the know but unofficially confirmed as far as I know.  I know the biologist monitors this site, so he can man up and post what he knows if he wants.  I Know he knows there are wolves there and that they are NOT just transient

The local game warden investigated and confirmed several wolf kills in the Blues this winter. Personally, I've seen two sets of tracks in two geographic locations over the winter. Also, I think I saw two wolves once this winter but they were too far away to be sure they were wolves and not just big dogs or coyotes. Some locals have trailcam pictures of wolves. They're up there.

+/- 6-7 years ago one of the WDFW biologists was at my inlaws place investigating the sighting of 5 or so wolves in 178 Peola in the farm country. If I remember correctly, the bio came out 1 day and then he came back another day with some more folks to do some looking. They could not find anything to get DNA off of so no "confirmation". It was never denied by any of them that they were there though.
Then in the last 2 years or so the Garfield county official was monitoring the condition of one of the main roads into the National Forest that they are using for running log trucks. HE was up there watching the roads because they can only run the log trucks when the ground is hard or frozen. He saw a group of 3 what he thought were wolves. This was less than a mile from where the group I mentioned above were. The next day there was a WDFW bio out there, another guy I don't know where from and from what I understood at the time an Idaho bio out there with tracking instruments. The reason for that I was told was because at the time there were no "washington collared" wolves in the southeast corner. I don't think they ever found anything with the tracking collars either and I heard that the guy saw the wolves naked-eyed +/-500 yards out in the wheat stubble so he wasn't "positive" that one of them had a collar on.
WDFW bio's have confirmed a single wolf down there just outside the Pomeroy farm country in the foothills more than 6-7 years ago 1 time but they have not been able to confirm a breeding pair to date.
(All of these storied were  reported to me through another person who is close to the location. There may be a detail that is off a little here or there but they're close enough. Call this a disclaimer if you want to)

Tracks were in 162. Confirmed wolf kills in 166.

I am 99% sure they are actively working in the wilderness area of 166 to confirm a breeding pair. I know they were a year or 2 ago. I'd be fairly confident that they still are.


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Re: Washington Wolf Sightings - Report Here
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2011, 09:40:34 AM »
To provide validity to the confirmed wolf kills in 166, I was told first hand by the game warden that investigated the kill sites that the predator(s) responsible for the killings was(were) indeed wolves. How many? He couldn't be sure. But I had an hour long conversation with him on the subject and he told me all about the kill sites and described to me how he was able to identify the kills as wolf kills and not a cougar or some other predator.

 Also, I was under the impression that the wolves in the Wenaha had achieved "pack" status. There was one killed on the Oregon side last fall though so maybe that pack has too few wolves now to be officially designated as a "pack".


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