I'm thinking about hunting round about those areas for the high buck hunt this year as well. I haven't been able to do any scouting yet, but I've found some places near where you are talking about that look good on OnX maps and I will be taking weekend trips to scout them out late spring, early summer. (gotta get a good turkey season in first!)
I too would like to have a better idea of what to expect coming in from the west side in terms of how realistic it is to try and get where the trees thin out enough to use your glass.
What has been helpful to me so far in researching areas is to find a trail on OnX maps and then look up hiking videos for that trail on YouTube. The videos can be pretty annoying at face value, but hikers aren't afraid to show exactly where they're at, how many other people they run into, and what the landscape around the areas looks like.
Best of luck to your grandsons on the hunt!