Free: Contests & Raffles.
I'd much rather have my money going to habitat than lobbyists but that's just me. Plus they have cool calendars.
No idea about their stance on wolves, but I dumped them with their stance with the tribes.
I had a discussion with a few RMEF Officials about 6 years ago.They were at another table at a restaurant discussing issues and I realized who they were.I introduced myself and they invited me to sit with them for a while, which I did.After a while I specifically asked, "Why isn't RMEF more vocal with regards to anti-wolf legislation?The response was very insightful.Basically, any group or organization that ACTIVELY supports measures to control wolf populations gets sued.Realizing that any lawsuits would consume precious dollars that would otherwise be used for habitat improvement, they decided to avoid the issue. As they rely on contributions and hope to spend members money wisely, the thought of giving that money to attorneys did not seem right.That are the Rocky Mountain ELK Foundation, not the Rocky Mountain Anti-Wolf Foundation.After that explanation, I was satisfied that they had the goals of the foundation clearly in sight.I will be at the Coeur d'Alene RMRF Banquet on Saturday March 18th with about 5 hunting partners and our wives.We intend to spend a few bucks, have a few drinks and enjoy ourselves.Hope to see ya there!Rob.