Are you looking for a place to stay for your next visit to SW Washington/Columbia River/Coast Trip? Here's a good place to stay with great amenities, special rates for sportsmen/women, access to the river (boat dock access for extra fee), and plenty of room. Perfect place for folks who want to go:
- Duck hunting on the river
- Goose hunting on leased fields in the region
- Razor Clam digging on the coast (just 45 mins away)
- Surf Perch fishing on the coast
- Salmon fishing (all season long - close to Astoria, Buoy 10, Kalama, and More)
- Sturgeon fishing
- Elk hunting
- Or just getting away for a week/weekend with the guys, the fam, or a group of friends
Check out Columbia River Ranch Retreats: Inquire at:
Ask for the "Sportsman's Special Rate"
They also host events, weddings, and more!