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looks like your pinion is to close, take 3 thousandths shim out of the pinion depth and check again.
Unless I am mixing up your drive side and coast side it to me like your pinion is too far out.Put that pinion deeper in, and reduce the spacers/shims on your ring gear side carrier bearing to get the backlash back in check. You will need to add more shims on the opposing carrier bearing to keep your carrier bearing preload in spec.What is your process for setting up a rear end? I get pinion depth and ring gear side shim pack dialed in first, then calculate out the number of shims needed on the non ring gear side carrier bearing.Oddly, this is the best visual I have seen showing how changes affect the pattern:
I am a big fan of centering face to flank and being about a 1/3 up from the toe. Ideally with both coast and drive, but that's not always possible.Your pattern with 0.06" BL isn't bad. The 0.09" pattern the coast side it too close to the toe and I would honestly redo the pattern on the drive side, it's not clear to me what's going on there.What's your process? It seems like you are not making adjustments systematically in a way so you can get what you want. I know I am very OCD with setting up gears, but if I am honest it makes it faster in the long run.
Couple things that might help you out:As you know, changing pinon depth with shims will change backlash, BUT moving the ring closer or further away from the pinion using carrier bearing shims will too. Rule of thumb:Moving the carrier 0.010” toward the pinion to decrease the backlash by 0.007”Moving the carrier 0.010” away from the pinion to increase the backlash by 0.007”This dana service manual is basically the procedure I use to get my shim packs correct on the pinion, and both carrier bearings. I know it's for a D60, but the procedure is the same. With a little digging you can find the D44 manual. don't have a pinion depth tool, so I typically start with the pinion shims that it came with and make a change based on the markings (page 15).Then do steps 11-34 on pages 13-21. The carrier shim procedure is more or less steps 11-12 and 30-34.