First time hunting out in Colville Nat Forest.
Was hunting the areas NW of Kettle Falls and mostly in the national forest at elevations 4 to 1K'. Heard two total goggles in three days. Everything else was silent.
Drove all over, hiked to ridges, off side roads and was trying for shock gobbles...nothing. Found two roosts, sat in tight next morning and the birds flew down without a sound and slipped into the woods.
The few opportunities I did have were from glassing birds, scooting around the terrain in front of them and setting up. The last Tom stopped at 50 when he saw my decoy and slipped off. I called to him once.
The only other tactic I thought of throwing at them was to wait at the roost until dusk and hunt then.
How do you hunt or locate silent birds? Is this typical of the Colville? I would love to hear or have a private message about tactics, etc.