I am a duck hunter, moved here in 2014 and live in Lynden. I am finally getting around to looking into some duck hunting but its really tough finding any a place that isnt on private land.
I did see the WDFW has land near Lake Terrell which could be a possibility but if you look at the State Regulations, it says this about decoys:
"It is unlawful to place waterfowl decoys on lands or waters controlled by WDFW except as authorized by permit of the director, on days closed to waterfowl hunting on department owned or controlled lands, waters, or access areas.
So the WDFW is inviting hunters to hunt ducks on their lands BUT you CANT use decoys? Well whats the point then?
Lastly, any advice on a place I can take my son, throw a couple decoys in the water, sit on the bank in the reeds and call a few ducks?