I had a full shoulder replacement done on my LEFT shoulder in Dec 2023. I'm right-handed and I was back shooting trap by the end of Feb, 2024 (about 3 months, post-op). My left rotator cuff was torn in 5 places, along with 2 bone spurs and I had significant arthritis as well. We wouldn't know if I'd have a reversal until he opened me up. I was in my early my 50's, but I've had significant issues with it for over 25 years with no prior surgery, 1 cort injection (no effect) until this experience. For over a year I had to jump through the insurance "hoops" starting with an x-ray (inconclusive), then PT for multiple weeks (basically useless), to finally receive the first of several MRI's that started the process towards surgery. To the OP, I had the same surgeon as you're seeing.
After day 2 post-op I removed my sling and never wore it again (My surgeon didn't like that, but the fine print said that I could, while within the confines of my home..I work from home, and I work from my pickup..). I received a nerve-block during recovery and that was essential for my comfort, but honestly, that was the only "real pain" I ever encountered. As mentioned prior, I did stay on a regulated pain med schedule for 2-weeks, but after that, it was basically large doses of Ibu/tylenol (if I remember correctly?). For the 1st 6 months, occasionally I'd get a twinge or sharp "nerve pain" in the shoulder area, but nothing too awful (never mentioned it, just figured nerves were re-connecting). It was just random and was very short term. Prior to surgery, at best I could get my arm to 90-degrees, within a month post-op I could get my arm to go vertical.
I was SUPER careful with my arm for the first couple of months, but the surgeon did a fantastic job, and I started PT about 5 weeks later and I could already raise it vertically (10 days later than planned due to a scheduling snafu). I only had 5 PT visits, over 5 weeks and the PT guy said to continue at my own pace as I happened to be so far advanced that he wasn't worried about me. I've continued to just be amazed at my outcome, (as was my Dr). I've just been very fortunate that I had a great Dr. with no side effects or infection. I didn't use a cooling machine or any other devices except for a few ice packs wrapped in a towel the first couple of days. I'm just a middle-aged dad, not a health nut or gym rat, who happened to get lucky. Best of luck with your procedure...you've got the best surgeon in The Valley, IMO!