I'd like to use trays for easier clean up.
Maybe two high for easy reach.
With the price of food these days, I'd like to start up with three or four does.
I still have my Rex - New Zealand buck.
I'll look for flooring wire and get some cages built here shortly.
What do you think of Flemish Giant cross does?
I was happy with my cross buck on New Zealand does.
The problem with flemish giants is they're all bone. You're feeding a rabbit that's going to spend a bunch of time and fuel growing bones and not meat. I'd stay away from any flemish giant anything cross. We had trouble connecting last fall due to it being crazy busy fair time but I can probably connect you with some NZ or satin does or something like that that is more a meat breed.
Put the 2 high condos up on a table or something so you're not killing yourself bending over to feed them. 3 high condos aren't too tall. Woody's 3 hole condos are a little over 5' tall. Easy peasy. We have 4 hole condos from him where each hole is shorter so 4 holes are only slightly over 5' tall. Good for your grow outs, but not good for breeding cages.
Don't build them too deep or you wont be able to reach the back of the cage to catch them.