Free: Contests & Raffles.
For the first time since its been offered i did not get selected - I always buy and use the tag so I'll be in line for a leftover but I'll have to decide which tag to buy for the permit applications.
seeing people excited that they drew a permit in their home state to hunt deer for $150
its a joke that as residents we have to pay this fee that many other states its included in the tag they buy.
very few western states are a pick your weapon state. Allot are you buy a general deer/elk tag and you can hunt areas that are open to hunting with that legal weapon. ID,MT, WY to name a few
I'll gladly pick a weapon for an AZ or NM tag, I'm not sure those are fair comparisons. I think if you lined up all of those states and asked the knowledgeable elk hunting community to rate them best to worst, we know where WA would be on that list, even if you had the multi tag. The stinger is the multi tag costs resident hunters more than any other non special permit resident tag in any of those states.I'm glad guys find value in it and wish them the best. Comparing it to other states doesn't hold much worth in my mind. Buy it and hunt it if that's the best choice in your situation.