

Author Topic: Cougar pursuit ??  (Read 18121 times)

Offline Special T

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Re: Cougar pursuit ??
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2021, 10:28:02 AM »
I would rather take the time to try to educate and change views. Also expose their deficiencies and build bridges. Good luck with your approach though Special T, I think in the end we both want to try to save hunting in this state.

Build bridges with who exactly? The only group that we would greatly benifit from building bridges with is the general public so they have an Idea of what is going on...
Best of luck with your approach and preparation.

So Ive had some time to marinate  on your statements. I think i took what you said differently than you intended. Possibly because I think ive been saying this for some time but perhaps just not in a discussion with you.

If im understanding you correctly your building bridges statement is directed at sportsmen orgs banding together to protect hunting. We stand strong together but have to put some petty squabbling aside. Im for that, have said so, and advocated for folks to get involved in whatever sportsmen org they enjoy to defend the sport. We need more folks to take this challenge on.

I percieved that you thought part of that reaching out was to non consumptive environmental groups and some that pretend to be sportsmen friendly...

There is one group i have mentioned in the past but should have imediatly thought of... The Tribes in this state. A recent example was a Tribal Bio standing with the Washington Waterfowlers Association to prevent the closure of Drayton Harbor near Blaine. The county tried to carve out a hunting exemption for just the tribes but the bio did not capitulate. The Waterfowl Association likely would have been run over if the Tribes had not stood with sportsmen.  Sportsmen have some sticky issues with Tribes but the reality is they are the most powerful consumptive user of wildlife that advocates in this state. Animal rights activists fear the absolute rights of tribes, the need for pedator control, and the fact that they cannot exert any meaningful pressure against them....

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