

Author Topic: Guy asking people on Nextdoor to sign petitions to stop cougar and bear hunting  (Read 13899 times)

Offline nicz

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Just an fyi, there is a guy Bob McCoy who is asking people on the Nextdoor app to sign a petition to stop cougar and bear hunting in Wa.
Please log in and leave him some nice comments :)

This is the link to the petition he's asking people to sign:
Please add your comments to his petition to keep cougar and bear hunting and eventually allow hunting with dogs again.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2023, 09:23:48 AM by nicz »

Offline Firstgenhunter

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I think I've heard of that dude. He's signed up to speak. Any of ya'll ready to speak now!?!?!

Offline hunter399

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Quote from the wildlife first link...

The Department of Fish & Wildlife admits that it does not have the means of detecting whether state bear and cougar populations are already crashing––and that it likely would not be able to detect such a crash until it is too late. Every year we allow these unsustainable hunting levels to continue, this risk increases.
End quote....

If WDFW can not detect a population crashing.
Then how are we detecting a "unsustainable hunting level".
Something doesn't add up with that.
I think if there was a way to hard count cougars they would have there foot so far in there mouth.
We have way more than estimated,which has resulted in increased harvest numbers.

The commission has increased hunting of these two species by ignorance. Not being capable of there own mandate, ignorance of science. Why wouldn't a hunter be more likely to hunt the tags they paid for, in light of opportunities being taken away for no good reason.

Spring bear says it all.
And there ignorance will continue.
Reinstate spring bear ,fall harvest levels flat line.
Something that simple,yet we sit here so far away.
More opportunities they take,the harder most will hunt.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2023, 04:25:08 PM by hunter399 »

Offline MeepDog

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Not only are they trying to lower the bear limit to 1, theyre also trying to push the season back to September 1st because apparently it bothers them that we hunt in august.

Offline hunter399

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Not only are they trying to lower the bear limit to 1, theyre also trying to push the season back to September 1st because apparently it bothers them that we hunt in august.
Ya I seen that coming long time ago.
Another HW member and I went around and around the year they granted two tags.
Almost Everytime they give more opportunities,it comes back around and they take more then previous.
Grouse bag limits,season set back is prime example.

Win for a few years,lose more than had before.

Hasn't the west side had a two bear limit for long time
Now it will most likely go to a 1 bear limit statewide.
Here in the east berry patches will almost always dried up by September.
So yay can't wait.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2023, 05:10:22 PM by hunter399 »

Offline baldopepper

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He's on the board of directors of the mountain lion foundation.  Keep in mind they pay their director $167,000 per year.  Takes a lot of sympathy based donations to keep that non profit in business and pay that kind of money. They're very good at generating that sympathy.

Offline callturner

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Remember, The main reason that the seasons were added is because the hound hunting was shut down. Problem cats and bears grew each year. The dept has the numbers, the liberal commission is the wall your up against .Start at the top and get a Governer that cares. Then vote out all the libs. Try to purchase a gun after the first of the year and you will see what else your government did for you. Vote Semi Bird!!!

Offline Special T

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He's on the board of directors of the mountain lion foundation.  Keep in mind they pay their director $167,000 per year.  Takes a lot of sympathy based donations to keep that non profit in business and pay that kind of money. They're very good at generating that sympathy.

In archery we have something like the way of the superior man. When the archer misses the center of the target, he turns round and seeks for the cause of his failure in himself. 


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He's on the board of directors of the mountain lion foundation.  Keep in mind they pay their director $167,000 per year.  Takes a lot of sympathy based donations to keep that non profit in business and pay that kind of money. They're very good at generating that sympathy.

He was the director.  Long history with many commissioners.

Offline MADMAX

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McCoy probably lives in a condo

Not on some acreage with prey species or livestock

Probably would wet himself if he was outside in the dark and cat screamed close by

As would I  :chuckle:
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Start sending him petitions to reinstate spring bear hunting.  Flood him to overload his mailbox!  Also send him petition for other for a lot of worthless stuff.  Use their own tactics against him.  Also try to get other emails for that board and do the same thing.  Remember this is war and all thing fair in love and war!


When guns are outlawed then only outlaws will have guns!
The same with ammo!
The same with personal liberties

Offline idahohuntr

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At the link and below are the talking points they have crafted in support of their petition...may help in preparing counter messages to the garbage they will be pushing.
Talking Points: 2023 Pe��on to Amend Bear and Cougar Rules
• Please approve the pe��on as a first step in undoing the damage that overhun�ng and other
killing have likely already inflicted on our bear and cougar popula�ons. The pe��on would
restore the pre-2020 hun�ng guidelines for cougars, which imposed limits on the number of
cougars that could be killed based on science, not poli�cal considera�ons. The pe��on would
also roll back the bear hun�ng extensions and “bag limit” increases passed in 2019. It further
asks the Commission to encourage beter compliance in bear “harvest” repor�ng by imposing a
reasonable penalty for failure to report. Finally, the pe��on would restore sunset dates to bear
and cougar rules, so that these rules are examined on the same schedule as other hunted
• The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission enacted arbitrary and capricious rules in 2019-
2021 to expand bear and cougar hun�ng seasons. WDFW based its recommenda�ons on social
pressure from a small number of residents. WDFW owes it to the public and its own
hardworking scien�fic staff to ground its governance in sound science, not poli�cs. The pe��on
would restore cougar and bear hunt rules to previous levels and incorporate WDFW scien�sts’
own sugges�ons for monitoring and managing hun�ng mortality of these species.
• Increased killing of cougars does not boost deer and elk popula�ons, protect livestock, or reduce
human-cougar conflict. In fact, there is strong evidence that heavy hun�ng of cougars actually
increases public safety concerns and cougar conflict with livestock. Instead of focusing on ac�ons
that would decrease conflict with cougars, WDFW has opted for the appearance of dealing with
the problem – while actually worsening it.
• WDFW managers pushed an expansion of bear hun�ng in response to poli�cal pressure and not
science – as they themselves admited. As a result, bear mortality statewide has increased
dras�cally; it may have may have reached 17% during the 2022-2023 season. Bear biologists
have found that mortality above 4-10% is likely to damage the popula�on. Most bears die
because of humans, with hun�ng accoun�ng for the vast majority of all human-caused deaths.
• Cougars are keystone species that benefit the environment and other species. Damage to the
cougar popula�on is damage to the environment. We should also be trea�ng bears like the
ecologically important animals they are, not as a nuisance or a mere “resource.” Bears, like
cougars, are “ecosystem engineers” that improve habitat for other species.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood..." - TR

Offline hunter399

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At the link and below are the talking points they have crafted in support of their petition...may help in preparing counter messages to the garbage they will be pushing.
Talking Points: 2023 Pe��on to Amend Bear and Cougar Rules
• Please approve the pe��on as a first step in undoing the damage that overhun�ng and other
killing have likely already inflicted on our bear and cougar popula�ons. The pe��on would
restore the pre-2020 hun�ng guidelines for cougars, which imposed limits on the number of
cougars that could be killed based on science, not poli�cal considera�ons. The pe��on would
also roll back the bear hun�ng extensions and “bag limit” increases passed in 2019. It further
asks the Commission to encourage beter compliance in bear “harvest” repor�ng by imposing a
reasonable penalty for failure to report. Finally, the pe��on would restore sunset dates to bear
and cougar rules, so that these rules are examined on the same schedule as other hunted
• The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission enacted arbitrary and capricious rules in 2019-
2021 to expand bear and cougar hun�ng seasons. WDFW based its recommenda�ons on social
pressure from a small number of residents. WDFW owes it to the public and its own
hardworking scien�fic staff to ground its governance in sound science, not poli�cs. The pe��on
would restore cougar and bear hunt rules to previous levels and incorporate WDFW scien�sts’
own sugges�ons for monitoring and managing hun�ng mortality of these species.
• Increased killing of cougars does not boost deer and elk popula�ons, protect livestock, or reduce
human-cougar conflict. In fact, there is strong evidence that heavy hun�ng of cougars actually
increases public safety concerns and cougar conflict with livestock. Instead of focusing on ac�ons
that would decrease conflict with cougars, WDFW has opted for the appearance of dealing with
the problem – while actually worsening it.
• WDFW managers pushed an expansion of bear hun�ng in response to poli�cal pressure and not
science – as they themselves admited. As a result, bear mortality statewide has increased
dras�cally; it may have may have reached 17% during the 2022-2023 season. Bear biologists
have found that mortality above 4-10% is likely to damage the popula�on. Most bears die
because of humans, with hun�ng accoun�ng for the vast majority of all human-caused deaths.
• Cougars are keystone species that benefit the environment and other species. Damage to the
cougar popula�on is damage to the environment. We should also be trea�ng bears like the
ecologically important animals they are, not as a nuisance or a mere “resource.” Bears, like
cougars, are “ecosystem engineers” that improve habitat for other species.

Pretty funny.
They want it based on science.
Yet the spring bear season ruling wasn't based on science.
I suppose the commission should overturn that ruling as well.

At least based on there own argument for this petition.

I thought it was said somewhere that you would have to do hide sealing for bear. And show hide that has teet,for lactation.
If lactational boob is present,they will go look for cubs at kill sight.
If they find one, prosecute you with some kind of charges.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2023, 07:45:46 PM by hunter399 »

Offline cem3434

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That guy is a real POS. We need to flood that page and overwhelm it with the support of hunters.
The best friend a guy could have asked for. RIP chasing pheasants in heaven Denali girl.

Offline Firstgenhunter

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How can I see his post? It automatically tries to place me with posts in my area


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