WOW .....

....... what an awesome weekend.
If you were planning on going and you didn't, you missed out on a great weekend.
The "Camaraderie" alone was worth the time spent with friends.
We had fewer folks then last year and of course we had rain but what guys were showing and teaching folks it was a blast.
There was a couple of folks that brought their kids. Those kids had a blast.
I mean even one of the little girls skinned out and put up a couple of muskrats.
The smile on her face alone as you can see is priceless.
Then one of our members broth his brother along and this is his first-year trapping and he caught two
(opossum & beaver) critters.
Here again the smile on his face was priceless too.
But I think the one that really topped it off was one of our members brought his 10-year-old some and he caught a raccoon in a mink size trap.
Where the trap was the raccoon rolled it over into some water and I believe it died from either drowning because it could flip the trap back upright or it die from hyperthermia.
Either way the smile on this young trapper was priceless.
Our President came down and did a Pine Marten Demo using cage traps plus he talked about how he traps the in Alaska with #110 bodygrip traps.
He also talked about and showed everyone how to sex that marten. He said if it was a small female he would let it go when using cage traps.
Then our west side VP should us how he traps them using the Koro Rodent Trap.
He said he uses both cage and the Koro trap except if he is running a 75–100-mile round trip line in 4-5 feet of snow off of a snowmobile he stays with the Koro.
These two guys were worth every penny to listen to and learn from of where and how to find pine marten and catch them.
Steve and I are already planning next year's event. All I can say is I hope to see more of you there next year.
Until next event (Fur Sale/Winter Rendezvous) have a great Christmas and a safe and happy new year and a profitable season.

Enjoy the pictures.