

Author Topic: Idaho bobcat jaw collection  (Read 2409 times)

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Re: Idaho bobcat jaw collection
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2024, 08:49:23 AM »
Breaking news:
We, representatives of WSTA, have offered an olive branch to WDFW, in that we have asked them to attend the roundevous in August, and give us guidance as to what they want/expect in these jaws.
To their credit, they are agreeable (so far so good)to trappers helping develope methods/ procedures on how to extract these jaws. We also want insight, ideas from taxidermists and predator hunters.
Our goal is to help guide this process to make it as less invasive, burdensome to the harvester as possible, and yet, produce a specimen that will yield usable data.

I think (relatively speaking) this is huge.  In the conversations I've had with the WDFW biologists, they were naively surprised that the verbiage of how the jaws would be turned in was confusing, and would add friction. 

One thing I think we need to realize.  1. Turning in the jaws is a done deal. 2. Canines have been proven over and over in multiple states to put age window in days. In retrospect-hindsight being 20/20, instead of focusing on incisors and such, we collectively should have put weight on things like "voluntary" and a cash "bounty" to encourage participation.   These same biologists were surprised-shocked-that not every trapper skinned, put up, their own hides.  To these persons' credit (NOT BIG WDFW) they listened to the taker/harvester perspective of how to best meet their goals. To this end they want us to show-even teach-them on best practices from taking a raw skull to separating the jaw and completing this the way WE think it should be done.  When was the last time WDFW asked for this? This is a great way to influence future decisions (things go better when they go our way)

For those nay-sayers, and "I'll just give them the whole skull and too bad" crowd.  1. You KNOW this won't work. You won't get your pelt sealed and then be mad about it. See how that helps us as an organization. 2. Folks bitch that WDFW won't work with us, and when they offer to, folks bitch that they are.  No one says trust them. But this is a way to influence through action and behavior.  We CAN'T stop the decision on collecting jaws. That boat has sailed. We CAN influence how, which gives legitimacy to WSTA.
This is like saying if we bring our shovels and dig our own holes then maybe they wont bury us in it. The wdfw will only use this data to paint a false picture that too many juvenile cats are harvested each year and further limit our opportunities to trap and hunt. Have they told us how this will benefit hunters or trappers? I would be amazed if a single positive outcome came from this…ill wait to be proven wrong…is it even legal for them to refuse to tag a cat that was legally harvested and is meeting cites requirements?

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Re: Idaho bobcat jaw collection
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2024, 02:25:11 PM »
Breaking news:
We, representatives of WSTA, have offered an olive branch to WDFW, in that we have asked them to attend the roundevous in August, and give us guidance as to what they want/expect in these jaws.
To their credit, they are agreeable (so far so good)to trappers helping develope methods/ procedures on how to extract these jaws. We also want insight, ideas from taxidermists and predator hunters.
Our goal is to help guide this process to make it as less invasive, burdensome to the harvester as possible, and yet, produce a specimen that will yield usable data.

I think (relatively speaking) this is huge.  In the conversations I've had with the WDFW biologists, they were naively surprised that the verbiage of how the jaws would be turned in was confusing, and would add friction. 

One thing I think we need to realize.  1. Turning in the jaws is a done deal. 2. Canines have been proven over and over in multiple states to put age window in days. In retrospect-hindsight being 20/20, instead of focusing on incisors and such, we collectively should have put weight on things like "voluntary" and a cash "bounty" to encourage participation.   These same biologists were surprised-shocked-that not every trapper skinned, put up, their own hides.  To these persons' credit (NOT BIG WDFW) they listened to the taker/harvester perspective of how to best meet their goals. To this end they want us to show-even teach-them on best practices from taking a raw skull to separating the jaw and completing this the way WE think it should be done.  When was the last time WDFW asked for this? This is a great way to influence future decisions (things go better when they go our way)

For those nay-sayers, and "I'll just give them the whole skull and too bad" crowd.  1. You KNOW this won't work. You won't get your pelt sealed and then be mad about it. See how that helps us as an organization. 2. Folks bitch that WDFW won't work with us, and when they offer to, folks bitch that they are.  No one says trust them. But this is a way to influence through action and behavior.  We CAN'T stop the decision on collecting jaws. That boat has sailed. We CAN influence how, which gives legitimacy to WSTA.
your wrong Frank 1) I lose money giving them the jaw to a cat 2) I lose money because time is money as you know taking out he jaw takes time 3) there are ONLY 2 age classes of cats period juvenile or adult so what’s the difference and why do they care of the age class when this state is literally loaded with cats
All the trappers in this state trapping cats don’t touch 1% of the country trapping , you can trap a area every year and catch every cat in that area and next year there will be just as many that fill in
They won’t do crap with the teeth as we all know it’s very stupid

 While I don't disagree with anything you said, what am I wrong about?  The part that WDFW was using previous precedence from other states to use canines/lower jaw so that was a done deal and we instead of focusing on incisors, should have been proactive on voluntary/bounty, gathered data from states like Idaho where it works? Or the part where if WDFW says we are to turn in a cleaned and dried lower jaw and a person instead attempts to turn in a whole, raw skull because that's just what they are going to do, they will be sorely disappointed?

I do know this:
1. WDFW wants our input on the "how" of prepping/turning in jaws, to a point of us teaching them.  We can't change the fact we have to turn in jaws, but at least we get to cook our own egg.  With this allows conversation to occur regarding this issue, and if nothing else, conversation allows them to give us more intel. 
2.  If we don't engage on this and possibly influence, and instead just sit back on our hands and be mad WDFW made another decision, then why even bother trying on any issue?

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Re: Idaho bobcat jaw collection
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2024, 03:04:54 PM »
I am happy the WSTA is being proactive on this issue. I'm not a trapper but this benefits us all.  It is important to influence the how to when it comes to these things instead of complaining about a dumb set of rules after the fact. Good job guys!
In archery we have something like the way of the superior man. When the archer misses the center of the target, he turns round and seeks for the cause of his failure in himself. 


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Re: Idaho bobcat jaw collection
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2024, 04:25:36 PM »
I guess I agree…… to some extent. But I do also think this is dumb set of rules. And will not be surprised one day when we have to turn in one side of our elk or deer rack. They are just coming up with ways to devalue our trophy’s that we display in respect of the animal and remembrance of the time spent with friends and family on the hunt. Why all of a sudden again do we have to give the jaw and the tooth isn’t sufficient? They can get all the info they need from the tooth Or we would be turning in whole moose jaws, big horn sheep jaws,  mountain, goat jaws etc. 
but I guess we should be glad that we can take part in trying to slow the inevitable of them working away on their 1000 cuts to end our traditions

Offline Frank The Tank

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Re: Idaho bobcat jaw collection
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2024, 09:25:24 PM »
Breaking news:
We, representatives of WSTA, have offered an olive branch to WDFW, in that we have asked them to attend the roundevous in August, and give us guidance as to what they want/expect in these jaws.
To their credit, they are agreeable (so far so good)to trappers helping develope methods/ procedures on how to extract these jaws. We also want insight, ideas from taxidermists and predator hunters.
Our goal is to help guide this process to make it as less invasive, burdensome to the harvester as possible, and yet, produce a specimen that will yield usable data.

I think (relatively speaking) this is huge.  In the conversations I've had with the WDFW biologists, they were naively surprised that the verbiage of how the jaws would be turned in was confusing, and would add friction. 

One thing I think we need to realize.  1. Turning in the jaws is a done deal. 2. Canines have been proven over and over in multiple states to put age window in days. In retrospect-hindsight being 20/20, instead of focusing on incisors and such, we collectively should have put weight on things like "voluntary" and a cash "bounty" to encourage participation.   These same biologists were surprised-shocked-that not every trapper skinned, put up, their own hides.  To these persons' credit (NOT BIG WDFW) they listened to the taker/harvester perspective of how to best meet their goals. To this end they want us to show-even teach-them on best practices from taking a raw skull to separating the jaw and completing this the way WE think it should be done.  When was the last time WDFW asked for this? This is a great way to influence future decisions (things go better when they go our way)

For those nay-sayers, and "I'll just give them the whole skull and too bad" crowd.  1. You KNOW this won't work. You won't get your pelt sealed and then be mad about it. See how that helps us as an organization. 2. Folks bitch that WDFW won't work with us, and when they offer to, folks bitch that they are.  No one says trust them. But this is a way to influence through action and behavior.  We CAN'T stop the decision on collecting jaws. That boat has sailed. We CAN influence how, which gives legitimacy to WSTA.
This is like saying if we bring our shovels and dig our own holes then maybe they wont bury us in it. The wdfw will only use this data to paint a false picture that too many juvenile cats are harvested each year and further limit our opportunities to trap and hunt. Have they told us how this will benefit hunters or trappers? I would be amazed if a single positive outcome came from this…ill wait to be proven wrong…is it even legal for them to refuse to tag a cat that was legally harvested and is meeting cites requirements?

"This is like saying if we bring our shovels and dig our own holes then maybe they won't bury us in it"  No one is naive enough to think that WDFW can't use/massage data for their own benefit.   However, We either look for ways to influence, or we just sit back and do nothing, only to bitch about the outcome.  If we do nothing on this and other issues, then what is our purpose as an organization? 
As far as data use etc, one point in this is exactly that-getting them (finding a way to mandate as we are stakeholders) to expound on the purpose, goals and to keep our nose under the tent. I would say your statement should rather be "We bring our shovels to fight back when they try to bury us." 

Your last point has validity-can they legally turn away/not tag a hide otherwise legally presented under the Lacy Act?   Those with better research skills than I can probably find the answer to this faster than me.

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Re: Idaho bobcat jaw collection
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2024, 08:41:31 PM »
Maybe we should try to keep our own database with sex and age estimates from trappers before they turn in their jaws.  I caught 10 toms ( 9 of which were mature) and no females last year.  I'm convinced that is a very, very low, if any, impact on the overall population in my area. If WSTA collected this data we could dispute any radically unjustified conclusions by any biased employees of the State.

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Re: Idaho bobcat jaw collection
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2024, 08:23:47 AM »
Yes Urban Trapper, this is what I want, filed copies of harvest reports on all species, filed copies of our data sheets we will fill out when sealing cats. Plus a corresponding list of each trappers/hunters cities tag numbers.
This is why we wanted just harvesters filling out data sheets, not WDFW employees. I have seen both bobcats and cougar miss sexed by WDFW staff and recorded as such.
The responsibility will be on us to provide accurate data. And I know sports people will do just that.
There is much more to talk about and plan for. It will take time and work to protect both ourselves and the resource.

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Re: Idaho bobcat jaw collection
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2024, 08:34:19 AM »
Urban Trapper:
You need to harvest more cats.
Male Bobcats kill a number of females when they breed them. They also kill every juvenile Bobcat they can. By managing the population we will take the surplus males therefore leaving more females and juveniles to invigorate the population.
I have always trapped different areas for cats every year. Rotating through in 3-4 years. When I get male to female to juv ratios like yours I know I need to crop this line more.

Offline UrbanTrapper

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Re: Idaho bobcat jaw collection
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2024, 07:54:50 PM »
OK, I'll have my list of data including the CITES tag numbers and keep them in my files from now on. I request that other cat trappers do the same.  If we get any suspicious findings from WDFW we can request their data and compare it with ours.  If the WDFW leadership refuses to provide their data (no real scientists would refuse) we can go after WDFW on that.


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