Free: Contests & Raffles.
What do you mean,turn tag back that for next year's draw. ?
I've also hunted the Cowiche unit for over 20 years and loved every bit of it. Certainly don't kill an elk every year, but 3 generations of my family have come together each year for our traditional camping / hunting trip and on occasions an elk walks in front of our guns. I dont pay a great deal of attention to much unsocial media or faceless book, but I heard the access to Nasty creek might be terminated. DON'T quote me, but maybe DNR is going to allow someone to permanently gate the access. For years, when we turn off the pavement we see green dot road signs clear to loui way gap and beyond. Plus, lets not forget the big discover pass required sign as you enter. I was always under the assumption that green dot meant "PUBLIC" motorized access allowed. Then, when you have a state agency who seems to be OK with charging an annual fee for "PUBLIC" access (discover pass) with DNR enforcement staff policing the land, I become confused. I'm no mathematician, and maybe there is information that I'm unaware of, but it seems like many hundreds, most likely thousands of general sales tax paying public citizens are taking it in the shorts if this is truly the case. If anyone knows any factual information about this, I would love to hear about it. Thanks and try to have a great season. Joe
Friend of mine that lives in Tampico verified that the gate is in place and closed on Nasty Creek. He didnt see it himself but saw a picture from a co worker.